Sami And Kılıç
Rank & Status:
Associate Professor, full-time (Doçent Doktor, tam zamanlı)
Phone Number:
+90 (212) 359-7484
+90 (212) 359-6773
Ph.D. | Civil Engineering | Stanford University, California, USA | 1997 |
M.S. | Civil Engineering | University of California, Berkeley, USA | 1990 |
B.S. | Civil Engineering | Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey | 1989 |
Service on the Faculty:
Faculty member | 1997-Present |
Associate Professor | 2019-Present |
Member of the Bogazici University Faculty of Engineering Management Committee | 2019-2022 |
Deputy Chair, Dept. of Civil Engineering | 2019-2022 |
Position | Location | Date |
Visiting Senior Research Scientist | Purdue University, Computing Research Institute, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA | June-August 2005 |
Visiting Senior Research Scientist | Purdue University, Computing Research Institute, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA | June-August 2004 |
Senior Research Scientist | Purdue University, Computing Research Institute, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA | Jan.-Dec. 2003 |
Visiting Scientist | Purdue University, School of Civil Engineering, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA | Jan.-Dec. 2002 |
Publications in Refereed International Journals (SCI/SCIE)
- Yazici, G., Kilic, S. A., Cakiroglu, K., Experimental and Numerical Study of the Sloshing Modes of Liquid Storage Tanks with the Virtual Mass Method, Acta Physica Polonica A, Open Access available, DOI:, 135(5), 1068-1071, 2019.
- Kilic, S. A., Numerical Study on the Uplift Response of RC Slabs Subjected to Blasts, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Open Access available, DOI:, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 31(3), 1-9, June/July 2017.
- Kilic, S. A., Raatschen, H. J. , Körfgen, B., Apaydin, N. M., Astaneh-Asl, A., FE Model of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Suspension Bridge Using Thin Shell Finite Elements, Arab. Jou. Sci. Eng., Open Access available, DOI:, Springer, 42(3), 1103-1116, March 2017.
- Erdik, A., Kilic, S.A., Kilic, N., Bedir, S., Numerical simulation of armored vehicles subjected to undercarriage landmine blasts, Shock Waves Journal, Open Access available, DOI:, Springer, 26(4), 449-464, July/August 2016.
- Gencturk, B., Mullapudi, T., Kilic, S.A., Erdik, M., Capacity Assessment of the Titus Tunnel Bridge Using Analytical and Numerical Techniques, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, DOI:, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 28(2), 349–362, April/May 2014.
- Kilic, S.A., Saied, F., Sameh, A., Efficient Iterative Solvers for Structural Dynamics Problems, Computers & Structures, DOI:, Elsevier, 82(28), 2363–2375, 2004.
- Hoffmann, C., Popescu, V., Kilic, S., Sozen, M., Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization: The Pentagon on September 11th, Computing in Science & Engineering, DOI:, IEEE, 6(1), 52–60, 2004.
- Kilic, S.A., Sozen, M.A., Evaluation of Effect of August 17, 1999, Marmara Earthquake on Two Tall Reinforced Concrete Chimneys, American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, DOI:, American Concrete Institute, 100(3), 357–364, 2003.
Publications in Refereed National Journals (Indexed by ULAKBİM)
- Kilic, S.A., Yanal Yüklere Maruz Kalan Betonarme Bacalarda Boşluk Köşe Donatılarının Farklı Yerleşimlerinin Sayısal Olarak İncelenmesi, PAJES - Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilim Dergisi, 24(3): 390–396, 2018.
- Kilic, S.A., Betonarme Baca Kesitinin Tekrarlı Yükleme Altındaki Davranışının Sonlu Elemanlar Metodu ile Modellenmesi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Dergisi, 32(3), 1–8, 2017.
Refereed Book Chapter
- Kilic, S.A., Effect of Ordering for Iterative Solvers in Structural Mechanics Problems, High-Performance Scientific Computing: Algorithms and Applications, Eds. Berry, M.W., Gallivan, K.A., Gallopoulos, E., Grama, A., Philippe, B., Saad, Y., Saied, F., DOI: , Springer, Chapter 12, pp. 251-260, 2012.
Proceedings in International Conferences
- Kilic, S.A., Raatschen, H.J., Körfgen, B., Finite Element Modeing of Long-span Steel Suspension Bridges in Civil Engineering, 15th German LS-Dyna Forum 2018, Bamberg, Germany, 15-17 October 2018.
- Yazici, G., Kilic, S.A., Blast Response of Slabs in Reinforced Concrete Buildings, 15th German LS-Dyna Forum 2018, Bamberg, Germany, 15-17 October 2018.
- Kilic, S.A., Akyniyazov, D., Altay, S., An Investigation of Opening Reinforcement Configurations for Reinforced Concrete Chimneys, ICCT 2016 International Conference on Industrial Chimneys & Cooling Towers, pp. 213-218, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 5-8 October 2016.
- Kilic, S.A., Raatschen, H.J., Körfgen, B., Astaneh-Asl, A., Apaydin, N.M., Finite Element Modeling of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Suspension Bridge, MSLB 2015, Conference on Multi-span Large Bridges, CRC Press, Eds. Pacheco, P. & Magalhaes, F., University of Porto, pp. 403-404, Porto, Portugal, 1-3 July 2015.
- Kilic, S.A., Altay, S., Simulation of the Cyclic Hysteretic Response of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys , ICCT 2014 International Conference on Industrial Chimneys & Cooling Towers, pp. 271-277, Prague, Czech Republic, 8-11 October 2014.
- Kilic, S.A., Selamet, S., Symmetric and Asymmetric Collapse Mechanisms of a Multi-Story Steel Structure Subjected to Gravity and Fire, American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE 2013 Structures Congress, pp. 2545-2554, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2-4 May 2013.
- Kilic, S.A., ALE Mesh Sensitivity Simulations for Blast Perimeter Walls in Protective Structural Engineering, Computer Methods in Mechanics, CMM 2011 Conference, Warsaw Technical University, Warsaw, Poland, MiniSymposia MS3: Structures under extreme actions, 9-12 May 2011.
- Kilic, S.A., Smith, P.D., Behaviour of deformable blast walls for protective structural design, COST Action C26: Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events, Final Conference, pp. 477-480, Naples, Italy, 16-18 September 2010.
- Kilic, S.A., Smith, P.D., Simulation of pressures behind rigid blast walls, COST Action C26: Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events, Final Conference, pp. 481-486, Naples, Italy, 16-18 September 2010.
- Kilic, S.A., Simulation of Sloshing Effects in Cylindrical Tanks and Evaluation of Seismic Performance, Lifeline Earthquake Engineering in a Multihazard Environment, Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering (TCLEE), ASCE, pp. 1-10, Oakland, California, USA, June 28 - July 1, 2009.
- Gencturk, B., Kilic, S.A., Erdik, M., Pinho, R., Assessment of Stone Arch Bridges under Static Loading Using Analytical Techniques, ASCE 2007 Structures Congress, pp. 1-10, Long Beach, California, USA, 16-19 May 2007.
Proceedings in National Conferences
- Kılıç, S.A., İterasyon Metoduyla Yapısal Mekanik Problemlerinin Çözümü, İnşaat Mühendisliği'nde Gelişmeler, ACE 2012, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, s. 1-5, Ankara, 17-19 Ekim 2012.
- Kılıç, S.A., Sözen, M.A., Popescu, V., Hoffmann, C., Bina-uçak Çarpması Probleminin Bilgisayar Ortamında Simülasyonu, Türkiye İnşaat Mühendisliği On Yedinci Teknik Kongre ve Sergisi, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, s. 227-233, Istanbul, 15-17 Nisan 2004.
- Gökalp, G., Kılıç, S.A., İkinci Mertebe Etkisinin (P-Delta) ve Süneklik Düzeyinin Taşıyıcı Sistem Davranış Katsayısı Üzerindeki Etkileri , Türkiye İnşaat Mühendisliği On Altıncı Teknik Kongre ve Sergisi, TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, s. 177-184, Ankara, 1-3 Kasım 2001.
Publications in Professional Engineering Journals (non-SCI/non-SCIE)
- Kilic, S. A., Akyniyazov, D., Altay, S., Additional Reinforcements and the Response of RC Chimneys with Large Openings, CICIND Journal of the International Committee on Industrial Chimneys, 32(2), 149-152, July 2016.
- Kilic, S. A., Altay, S., Akyniyazov, D., Finite Element Meshing Techniques for Modeling RC Chimneys, CICIND Journal of the International Committee on Industrial Chimneys, 32(1), 67-70, Jan. 2016.
- Wilson, J., Kilic, S. A., Experimental Study to Investigate the Cyclic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Chimney Sections with Openings, CICIND Journal of the International Committee on Industrial Chimneys, 19(2), 16-24, Sept. 2003.
- Akinci, N. O., Kilic, S. A., Nonlinear Response of the 115m Tupras Refinery Stack Subjected to the 1999 Marmara Earthquake, CICIND Journal of the International Committee on Industrial Chimneys, 18(2), 27-31, Sept. 2002.
- Kilic, S. A., Moncarz, P., Noakowski, P., A Preliminary Analysis on the Tupras Refinery Stack Collapse during the 17 August 1999 Marmara Earthquake, CICIND Journal of the International Committee on Industrial Chimneys, 17(1), 13-17, March 2001.
Research Projects
- Kilic, S.A. (principal investigator), Investigation of the Benefits of Additional Rebars for the Cyclic Response of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys with Large Openings, CICIND (Comité International des Cheminées Industrielles) research project, funding support: 20,000 EUR, successfully completed, 2016.
- Kilic, S.A. (principal investigator), Investigation of Sloshing Effects and Seismic Response of Metal Cylindrical Industrial Tanks, Scientific Research Fund, Bogazici University, Project no. 07HT102, successfully completed, 2013.
- Kilic, S.A. (principal investigator), Kritik Yapısal Sistemlerin Patlamadan Kaynaklanan Şok Dalgaları Altında Davranış Simülasyonları ve Hasar Azaltılması için Koruma Tekniklerinin Oluşturulması, ("Simulation of the Behaviour of Critical Structural Systems Subjected to Shock Waves Arising from Blast and Development of Protection Techniques for Damage Mitigation"), TUBITAK Project no. 2010-549 (107M002), funding support: 65,000 USD, successfully completed, 2010.
- Kilic, S.A. (participant member representing Turkey), COST Action C26: Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events, Working Group 3: Impact and Explosion, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), European Research Council (ERC), European Union, Brussels, Belgium, 2007-2010.
- Kilic, S.A. (principal investigator), Katı Sıvı Etkileşimi Simülasyon Tekniklerinin Deprem Mühendisliğinde Uygulamaları, ("Use of Fluid-structure Interaction Simulation Techniques in Earthquake Engineering"), TUBITAK Project no. 2008-587 (105M332), successfully completed, 2008.
Ph.D. adviser at Stanford University: Helmut Krawinkler.
S. A. Kilic's Doctoral family tree; source: Mathematics Genealogy Project.
16. Sami And Kilic (Ph.D. Stanford University 1997)
15. Helmut Krawinkler (Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley 1971)
14. Egor Paul Popov (Ph.D. Stanford University 1946)
13. Stephen Prokofyevich Timoshenko (Ph.D. Nat. Tech. University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” 1907)
12. Ludwig Prandtl [co-adviser of Timoshenko] (Dr. Phil. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 1899)
11. August Otto Föppl (Dr. Phil. Universität Leipzig 1886)
10. Heinrich Bruns (Dr. Phil. Universität Berlin 1871)
9. Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstraß (Dr. Phil. Honoris Causa Universität Königsberg 1854)
8. Christoph Gudermann (Dr. Phil. Honoris Causa Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 1832)
7. Bernhard Friedrich Thibaut (Magister der Philosophie Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 1796)
6. Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (Ph.D. Universität Leipzig 1739)
5. Christian August Hausen (Dr. Phil. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg 1713)
4. Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen (Ph.D. Universität Leipzig 1685)
3. Otto Mencke (Ph.D. Universität Leipzig 1665)
2. Jakob Thomasius (Magister der Philosophie Universität Leipzig 1643)
1. Friedrich Leibniz (Magister der Philosophie Universität Leipzig 1622)
- ACI: American Concrete Institute, Michigan, USA.
- ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers, Virginia, USA.
- CICIND: International Committee for Industrial Chimneys, Moers, Germany.
- IMO: Chamber of Civil Engineers, Istanbul, Turkey.
- CE 243: Statics (Undergraduate).
- CE 246: Strength of Materials (Undergraduate).
- CE 353: Steel Structures (Undergraduate).
- CE 651: Nonlinear Structural Analysis (Doctoral level graduate course).
Miscellaneous Work:
BOUN Dept. of Civil Engineering High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC):
- 4 server machines, 4 x 8-core Intel Xeon 2.5 GHz processors, 256 GB of total RAM memory.
- 10 Gigabit Infiniband fast inter-connect switch with heat-resistant copper wires, 217 Gigaflops MPI-parallel performance.
- Software packages used: 64-bit LS-Dyna Explicit and Implicit FE solver.
- Support from TUBITAK MAG through contract no. 107M002 is gratefully acknowledged.
- Click **here** for the cluster in its surroundings during a number crunching session. You can alternatively click the "cluster.JPG" image file down below.