Undergraduate Courses
CE 101Introduction to Civil Engineering (Insaat Muhendisligine Giris)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
Historical background, present status and future challenges of civil engineering profession. Ethics and professional responsibilty. Written and oral communication. Concepts of analysis, design, computational approaches, experiments. Interpretation of results and decision making. Invited lecturers. Site visits.
CE 211 Materials Science (Malzeme Bilimi)
(3+0+2) 4 ECTS 7
Materials and properties. Atomic bonding and arrangement. Structural imperfections. Atom movements. Elastic and viscoelastic deformation of materials. Phase diagrams. Metals, ceramics, polymers. Mechanical properties and failure. Modification of properties of materials through changes in structure. Composites. Corrosion and degradation of materials. Laboratory.
CE 212Engineering Materials (Muhendislik Malzemeleri)
(2+0+2) 3 ECTS 5
Cementing materials, aggregates, concrete, ceramics and masonry, structural metals, polymers, timber and composite materials. Illustration of their applications in civil engineering. Laboratory sessions on cementing materials, aggregates and concrete.
CE 211
CE 231 Earth Sciences (Yer Bilimleri)
Earth Sciences (Yer Bilimleri)
Origin of the earth; formation, distribution and properties of minerals and rocks. Processes of alteration; weathering, sedimentation, metamorphism. Geological structures. Use of geological maps. Engineering geology.
CE 241Mechanics of Materials (Mukavemet)
(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 6
Concept of modeling and basic principles. Rigid bodies: Equivalent systems of forces. Equilibrium of rigid bodies. Analysis of two-dimensional trusses. Normal and shear forces and movement diagrams in one-dimensional structures. Mechanical properties, static and dynamic loading. Plastic stresses and strains due to axial and shear loading and bending and torsional moments. Transformations of stress and strain, multidimensional stress-strain relations. Stresses due to combined loading. Failure criteria. Deflection of beams. Elastic stability. Flastokinetics.
PHYS 101.
CE 243Statics (Statik)
(3+1+0) 3 ECTS 5
Concept of modeling and basic principles; Rigid bodies: Equivalent systems of forces; Equilibrium of rigid bodies, analysis of planar rigid body systems; Distributed forces; Normal and shear forces and moment diagrams; Virtual work principle.
PHYS 101
CE 246 Strength of Materials (Cisimlerin Mukavemeti)
(4+1+0) 4 ECTS 7
Concepts of stress and deformation. Uniaxial tension test. Temperature effects in bars. Torsion of circular shafts. Simple bending of beams and beam deflections due to bending. Shear stresses in beams. Combined stresses due to bending, torsion, shear and axial loads. Transformation of stress, principal stresses, and Mohr's circle. Introduction to energy principles. Failure criteria. Stability and buckling.
CE 245.
CE 301Civil Engineering Systems Analysis (Insaat Muhendisliginde Sistem Analizi)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Techniques commonly associated with systems engineering. New techniques applicable to design and operations of civil engineering systems. Linear optimization; Linear programming, transportation and assignment problems, network analysis, queuining theory, simulation techniques, decision analysis. Nonlinear optimization; Critical path method, applicatons of fuzzy logic, expert systems, neural networks in civil engineering.
CE 202 or equivalent.
CE 303Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Civil Engineers (Insaat Muhendisleri icin Olasilik ve Istatislige Giris)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Descriptive statistics. Sets, events, and probability. Random variables, discrete and continuous distributions. Mathematical expectation and correlation analysis. Discrete probability distributions, Poisson process. Continuous probability distributions. Introduction to reliability theory and failure. Functions of random variables. Introduction to estimation theory. Simple and multiple regression, least squares. Statistics of extreme events. Testing of hypothesis. Civil engineering applications.
MATH 102
CE 311Fluid Mechanics (Akiskanlar Mekanigi)
(3+0+2) 4 ECTS 7
Fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and their application to engineering problems. Fluid statics. Kinematics of fluid flow: continuity equation, stream function, irrotational flow velocity potential. Fluid dynamics: flow of viscous fluids. Newtonian fluids, simple laminar flow systems, turbulence, flow in pipes. Selected topics from compressible flow, open channel flow, boundary layer theory.
CE 241.
CE 312 Hydraulic Engineering I (Hidrolik Muhendisligi I)
(3+0+2) 4 ECTS 7
A quantitative introduction to the principles of hydrology, hydraulics and water resources planning for design and analysis of systems concerned with the use and control of water, storage, water transmission; design of open channels and pressure conduits. Ground water engineering, economical analysis of water resources projects.
CE 311.
CE 322 Environmental Engineering (Cevre Muhendisligi)
(3+1+0) 3 ECTS 6
Water supply sources, transmission, water distribution reservoirs and networks; wastewater collection and disposal; introduction to water and wastewater treatment methods.
CE 312 or consent of the instructor.
CE 335Soil Mechanics Laboratory (Zemin Mekanigi Laboratuvari)
(0+0+2) 1 ECTS 2
Basic laboratory experiments: Specific gravity, Atterberg Limits, grain size distribution, compaction, permeability, consolidation, unconfined compressive strength, CBR, direct shear and triaxial compression tests. Application of principles treated in CE 332.
CE 335Soil Mechanics I (Zemin Mekanigi I)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Physical properties of soils, soil classification, soil structure, moisture effects; compressibility and consolidation; stress, deformation, and strength characteristics; stress distribution and analysis; lateral earth pressures; slope stability. Basic laboratory experiments and solution of selected problems.
CE 331.
CE 354 Reinforced Concrete I (Betonarme I)
(3+0+2) 4 ECTS 7
Mechanical properties of structural concrete. Behavior of reinforced concrete elements under different natural and physical conditions and under normal force, shear, moment and torsion. Ultimate design of reinforced concrete beams, floor systems and columns. Introduction to Turkish Standard Reinforced Concrete Design and the codes related of the American Concrete Institute for reinforced concrete buildings.
CE 212, CE 246.
CE 355 Structural Analysis (Yapi Statigi)
(3+0+2) 4 ECTS 6
Assumptions, principles of equilibrium in determining reactions, bending moments and shear diagrams. Influence lines. Determination of displacements by virtual work. Castigliano's theorem and moment area theorems. Statically indeterminate structures. Force and displacement method of approach using slope-deflection method. Flexibility and stiffness methods. Virtual work, strain energy, moment area and moment distribution methods. Matrix methods of structural analysis. Introduction to computer programs and use of program packages for structural analysis.
CE 245
CE 356 Steel Structures (Celik Yapilar)
(2+0+2) 3 ECTS 5
Design of steel structures, material properties of steel. Allowable stress design approach. Introduction to Turkish standards, Eurocodes and AISC codes. Connections, tension members, compression members, beam-columns. Beams and girders. Design of frames, trusses and industrial buildings.
CE211, CE 246
CE 371Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering (Insaat Muhendisliginde Numerik Yontemler)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Use of numerical techniques to investigate case studies in civil engineering topics including hydraulics, geotechnics and structures. Interpolation and numerical integration techniques; numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations using Runge-Kutta and multistep techniques; application of finite difference techniques to partial differential equations including parabolic and elliptic equations; convergence and error analysis, development and application of computer programs to case studies derived from civil engineering practices.
MATH 202, CmpE 150 or equivalent, consent of the instructor.
CE 381 Computer Aided Design (Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarim)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
Principles of engineering design, lettering, dimensioning, orthographic drawing, sectional and two and three dimensional views by means of computers.
CE 401 Construction Engineering and Management (Yapim Muhendisligi ve Yonetimi)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Construction project management, project life-cycle and project management functions. Construction project procurement. Construction contracts. Construction planning, estimating and bidding. Scheduling techniques in construction. Performance measurement and management in construction, project success factors, tools to improve project and organizational performance. Contract and claims management, risk and value management, IT and knowledge management, strategic collaborations, quality management, benchmarking. Contemporary issues in construction management, advanced processes in construction.
CE 402 Civil Engineering Systems Analysis (Insaat Mhendisligi Sistem Analizi)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Techniques commonly associated with systems engineering. New techniques applicable to design and operations of civil engineering systems. Linear optimization; linear programming, transportation and assignment problems, network analysis, queuining theory, simulation techniques, decision analysis. Nonlinear optimization; Critical path method, applicatons of fuzzy logic, expert systems, neural networks in civil engineering.
CE 202 or or consent of the instructor.
CE 412 Hydraulic Engineering II (Hidrolik Muhendisligi II)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Irrigation and drainage, water supply network design, reservoirs. Hydraulic machinery: pump-turbines. River control, problem of excess drainage, erosion and sediment transport, flood control, operation and maintenance of water resources systems.
CE 312.
CE 414Coastal Engineering (Kiyi Muhendisligi)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
The coastal zone; wave classfication; water waves; engineering properties of water waves; standing waves; wave energy, transformation of waves, shoaling, refraction, diffraction; wave breaking; wave generation and prediction; tides, wave froces; design of breakwaters, seawalls, pile structures and beach fills.
CE 422 Environmental Engineering Design (Cevre Muhendisligi Tasarimi)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Water purification processes in natural systems; eutrophication; engineered systems for water purification such as filtration within enviromental and civil engineering context; enviromental engineering hydraulics design.
CE 421 or consent of the instructor
CE 431Foundation Engineering (Temel Muhendisligi)
(3+0+2) 4 ECTS 7
Application of soil mechanics and other related techniques to design of foundations. Methods of site and soil exploration; bearing capacity and settlements; shallow and deep foundations; bracing and retaining structures. Case studies.
CE 332.
CE 452 Reinforced Concrete II (Betonarme II)
(4+0+4) 4 ECTS 5
Analysis and design of reinforced concrete deep beams, shells and folded plate members, substructures, retaining walls, chimneys, tanks, silos and bridges. Principles of prestressed concrete: Creep, shrinkage and temparature effects. Special provisions for aseismic design of reinforced concrete elements. Precast concrete.
CE 451.
CE 453 Aseismic Design of Structures (Depreme Dayanikli Yapi Tasarim)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Review of aseismic design codes; alternate philosophies in earthquake design principles; concept of ductile design principles and regulations in reinforced concrete, steel and prefabricated structures; Introduction to active and passive control in structures against seismicity.
Consent of the instructor.
CE 461Transportation Systems Engineering (Ulasim Sistemleri Muhendisligi)
(3+0+2) 4 ECTS 7
Principles of the design of transportation facilities with emphasis on highways and airports. Planning, geometric design, drainage, pavement design, air photogrammetry and mapping, geophysical subsurface explorations, sampling of materials and testing and roadway construction.
CE 212.
CE 462 Road Safety Engineering (Yol Güvenlik Mühendisligi)
(3+0+0) 3
The global and national importance of the road safety problem. Accident studies. Role of human, vehicle and road factors in road safety. Operation, control and management of highway and street networks for safety. Operation, control and management of highway and street networks for safety. Safety improvement programs. Relationship among highway design elements and safety. Safety evaluation methods for countermeasures. Evaluation of effectiveness and the benefit/cost of improvement programs. Future research needs.
CE 463Introduction to Intelligent Transportation Systems (Akilli Ulasim Sistemlerine (AUS) Giris)
(3+0+0)3 ECTS 5
Introduction to ITS. Sensors in modern traffic management systems. Traffic flow theory as applied to ITS. Traffic flow characterization. Traffic simulation and simulation tool examples. Discrete traffic modeling. Traffic flow sensor technologies. Overhead sensor installation along a highway. Data requirement for future traffic management applications. Applications of sensor data to traffic management. Freeway incident management. Adaptive traffic signals. Corridor management-ramp metering. Evaluation of ITS projects.
Consent of the instructor
CE 480-489 Special Studies in Civil Engineering (Insaat Muhendisliginde Ozel Calismalar)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Special topics in civil engineering selected to suit the individual interests of the students. The course is designed to give student an opportunity to do independent work at an advanced level.
CE 492 Project (Bitirme Projesi)
CE 493-499 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (Insaat Muhendisliginde Ozel Konular)
(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 5
Special topics of current interest in Civil Engineering and technology.