Özer Çinicioğlu

Rank & Status: 

Professor, Full Time

Phone Number: 

+90(212) 359-7533


+90(212) 287-2457, +90(212) 265-8488



Ph.D 2001-2005

University of Colorado at Boulder, Dept. of Civil, Environmental,and Architectural Eng.

M.S. Civil Engineering Bogazici University, Department of Civil Engineering
B.S. Civil Engineering Istanbul Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering
Service on the Faculty: 
Professor 2022 -
Associate Professor 2013-2022
Assistant Professor 2007-2013


Responsibility Location Date
Teaching Assistant University of Colorado at Boulder 2001 - 2002
Research Assistant University of Colorado at Boulder 2002 - 2005
Lecturer Bogazici University 2005 - 2007
Assistant Professor Bogazici University 2007 - 2013
Associate Professor Bogazici University 2013 - 2022
Professor Bogazici University 2022 - 



Journal Publications

Polat, S., Guner, M., Erginag, U. C., Sutman, M., and Cinicioglu, O. (2025) "Analyses of thermoactive piles considering surface radiation and wind convection effects," International Journal of Geomechanics, 25(1), 04024310, 10.1061/IJGNAI.GMENG-10375, (SCI-E).

Torisu, S., Tobita, T., Kiyota, T., Cinicioglu, O., Tonuk, G., Miley, N., Briones, J., and Briones, O. (2024) "Reconnaissance survey on geotechnical damage caused by February 6, 2023, Kahramanmaras Earthquake, Türkiye," JSCE Journal of Disaster Factsheets, FS2024-E-0002.

Tobita, T., Kiyota, T., Torisu, S., Cinicioglu, O., Tonuk, G., Milev, N., Contreras, J., Contreras, O., and Shiga, M. (2024) "Geotechnical damage survey report on February 6, 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake, Turkey," Soils and Foundations, vol. 64, no. 3, 10.1016/j.sandf.2024.101463 (SCI-E).

Milev, N., Takashi, K., Briones, J., Briones, O., Cinicioglu, O., Torisu, S. (2024) "Liquefaction-Induced Damage in the Cities of Iskenderun and Golbasi After the 2023 Turkey Earthquake," Archives for Technical Sciences, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 79-96, DOI: 10.59456/afts.2024.1630.079M (ESCI)

Baghherieh, A. R. and Cinicioglu, O. (2024) “Bearing Capacity Equation for Shallow Foundations on Unsaturated Soils,” Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 35, no. 3, pp.1-20, DOI: 10.18400/tjce.1248220 (SCI-E).

Gunay, S. and Cinicioglu, O. (2023) “Investigation of the Load-settlement Behavior of Box-shaped Deep Foundations,” Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, vol. 67, no.4, pp. 960-969 DOI: 10.3311/PPci.22359 (SCI-E).

Gezgin, A. T., Soltanbeigi, B., and Cinicioglu, O. (2022) “Discrete-element modelling of pile penetration to reveal influence of soil characteristics,” Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers – Geotechnical Engineering, vol. 175, no. 4., pp. 365-382. DOI: 10.1680/jgeen.20.00134 (SCI-E)

Altunbas, A., Soltanbeigi, B., and Cinicioglu, O. (2021) "DEM modelling of retained backfill : Influence of particle shape for different stress paths and densities", Geomechanics and Engineering, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 273-290. DOI: vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 273-290. DOI: 10.12989/gae.2021.27.3.273 (SCI-E)

Gezgin, A.T., Soltanbeigi, B, Altunbas, A., and Cinicioglu, O. (2021) "Multi-scale investigation of active failure for various modes of wall movement", Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, vol. 15, pp. 961-979. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-021-0738-4 (SCI-E)

Arda, C., Cinicioglu, O. (2021) “Influence of Grain Shape on Stress-Dilatancy Parameters,” Granular Matter 23, 22. DOI: 10.1007/s10035-021-01098-2   (SCI-E)

Soltanbeigi, B., Altunbas, A., Gezgin, A. T., and Cinicioglu, O. (2020) “Determination of Passive Failure Surface Geometry for Cohesionless Backfills,” Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, vol:64, no:4, pp. 1100-1110. DOI: 10.3311/PPci.14241 (SCI-E)

Sancak, E. and Cinicioglu, O. (2020) “Selection Of Design Friction Angle: A Strain Based Empirical Method For Coarse Grained Soils,” Geomechanics and Engineering, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 121-129. DOI: 10.12989/gae.2020.20.2.121 (SCI-E)

Oser, C., Cinicioglu, S.F., and Cinicioglu, O. (2020) “Design Method For Quantifying Embankment Safety Against Lateral Spreading And Determining Contribution Of Basal Reinforcements,” Geotextiles and Geomembranes, vol. 48, no.3, pp. 297-305. DOI: 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2019.12.002 (SCI-E).

Mbarak, W., Cinicioglu, E. N., and Cinicioglu, O. (2020) “SPT Based Determination of Undrained Shear Strength: Regression Models and Machine Learning,” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 185-198. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-019-0591-x (SCI-E)

Arda, C. and Cinicioglu, O. (2019) “Kohezyonsuz Zeminlerin Tane Dağılım ve Şekil Özelliklerinin Aktif Göçme Yüzeyi Geometrisine Etkileri,” Teknik Dergi, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 9399-9420. DOI: 10.18400/tekderg.397658 (SCI-E)

Soltanbeigi, B., Altunbas, A., and Cinicioglu, O. (2019) “Influence of dilatancy on shear band characteristics of granular backfills,” European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, available online, DOI: 10.1080/19648189.2019.1572542 (SCI-E)

Gezgin, A. T. and Cinicioglu, O. (2019) “Consideration of locked-in stresses during backfill preparation,” Geomechanics and Engineering, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 247-258. DOI: 10.12989/gae.2019.18.3.247 (SCI-E)

Cinicioglu, O. and Erkli A. (2018) “Seismic bearing capacity of surficial foundations on sloping cohesive ground,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 111, pp. 53-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.04.027. (SCI-E)

Altunbas, A., Soltanbeigi, B., and Cinicioglu, O. (2017) “Determination of Active Failure Surface Geometry for Cohesionless Backfills,” Geomechanics and Engineering, vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 983-1001. DOI: 10.12989/gae.2017.12.6.983 (SCI-E)

Cinicioglu, O. and Abadkon, A. (2015) “Dilatancy and Friction Angles Based on In-Situ Soil Conditions,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 141, No. 4, pp. 06014019,DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001272. (SCI-E)

Cinicioglu, O., and Çagbayir, C. (2012) “Method for the Rapid Evaluation of Vehicle Mobility on Unpaved Terrain” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.16, no. 5, pp.742-750. DOI: 10.1007/s12205-012-0155-2 (SCI-E)

Cinicioglu, O. (2008) “Discussion of 'Effect of Penetration Rate on Penetrometer Resistance in Clay' by Shin Fun Chung, Mark F. Randolph, and James A. Schneider,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, vol.134, no.4, pp.551-552. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2008)134:4(551.2) (SCI-E)

Cinicioglu, O., Znidarcic, D., and Ko, H.Y. (2007) “New Structure Based Model for Estimating Undrained Shear Strength,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, vol.133, no.10, pp.1290.1301. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2007)133:10(1290) (SCI-E)

Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2007) “Yükleme-Boşaltma Eğrilerinin Önkonsolidayon Basıncına Göre Tanımlanması,” Teknik Dergi, İMO, vol.18, no.2, pp.4133-4143. (SCI-E)

Cinicioglu, O., Znidarcic, D., and Ko, H.Y. (2006) “A New Centrifugal Testing Method: Descending Gravity Test”, ASTM, Geotechnical Testing Journal, vol. 29, no.5, 355-364. DOI: 10.1520/GTJ100213 (SCI-E)



Conference Proceedings

Gezgin, A. T., Çinicioğlu,S.F. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2023) “Discrete element modeling of open ended pile penetration in granular medium,” 9. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 22-24 Kasım, İstanbul.

Salimnezhad, Almasraf, M., A., Cinicioglu, S.F., and Cinicioglu, O. (2023) “Investigating the Effects of Lateral Deformations in CPS Embankments on Soil Arching: A Parametric Study Using Finite Element Analysis,” 9. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 22-24 Kasım, İstanbul.

Sancak, E., Gezgin, A.T. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2023) “Prediction of cone tip resistance based on cavity expansion theory” 9. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 22-24 Kasım, İstanbul.

Polat, S., Güner, M., Erginağ, U. C., Sütman, M. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2023) “Enerji Kazıklarının Sayısal Modellenmesine Dair Vaka Analizi,” 9. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 22-24 Kasım, İstanbul.

Alhayek, M., Çinicoğlu, Ö. ve Çinicioğlu, S.F. (2023) “Influence of Footing Shape on Undrained Seismic Bearing Capacity of Surficial Foundations Near Cohesive Slopes,” 9. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 22-24 Kasım, İstanbul.

Almasraf, M., Salimnezhad, A., Cinicioglu, S.F., and Cinicioglu, O. (2023) “Parametrical Analysis of Soil Arching Behavior in Pile-Supported Embankments,” Proceedings of the 17th Danube European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (17DECGE), June 7-9, Bucharest, Romania.

Altunbaş, A., Soltanbeigi, B. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2022) “Kohezyonsuz dolgularda pasif göçme mekanizmasının ayrık elemanlar yöntemi ile incelenmesi,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 18. Ulusal Kongresi, 29-30 Eylül, Kayseri.

Bildik, S., Tulan, B., Tak, G., Rogenbuke, P. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2022) “Zemin göçme mekanizmasına gömülü boruların etkisinin deneysel olarak incelenmesi,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 18. Ulusal Kongresi, 29-30 Eylül, Kayseri.

Gezgin, A.T., Soltanbeigi, B. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2022) “Ayrık elemanlar yöntemi hesaplama süresini azaltma teknikleri: granüler zeminlerde penetrasyon modellemesi,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 18. Ulusal Kongresi, 29-30 Eylül, Kayseri.

Teker, A.S., Çinicioğlu, Ö., Teker, M. (2022) “Treatment of liquefaction susceptible loose saturated clean sand with magnesium oxide,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 18. Ulusal Kongresi, 29-30 Eylül, Kayseri.

Öner, C., Arda, Ç. and Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2019). “Influence of grain size and shape on evaluation of shear zone geometry,” 27th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, 2-27 September, Mugla, Turkey.

Altunbas, A., Soltanbeigi, B, and Cinicioglu, O. (2019). “DEM analysis of passive failure state behind a rigid retaining wall: effect of boundary conditions,” 7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, 26-28 June, Glasgow.

Soltabeigi, B., Altunbas, A., and Cinicioglu, O. (2019). “Multiscale analysis of active state failure behind a retaining wall,” Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 1-6 September, Reykjavik.

Hajebi, D., Çinicioğlu, S. F. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2018). “Yatak katsayısı temel zemini davranışı ilişkisi,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 17. Ulusal Kongresi, 26-28 Eylül, İstanbul.

Boduroglu, S. and Cinicioglu, O. (2017). “Evaluation of liquefaction susceptibility based on peak dilatancy and particle shape characteristics,” Proc. 19th Int. Conf. On Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul, South Korea.

Arda, Ç. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2017). “Yüksek Gerilmeler Altında Hacimsel Genleşimin Göçme Yüzeyi Geometrisine Etkisi,” Uluslararası Katılımlı 7. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, İstanbul, 22-24 Kasım, İstanbul.

Arda, C., Zafarani, A. R., Bildik, S. ve Cinicioglu, O. (2016) “Influences of Preshear Stress State and Density on Shear Band Geometry,” 4th International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2-4 June, Nicosia, North Cyprus.

Boduroglu, S. and Cinicioglu, O. (2016) “Influence of Dilatancy on Cyclic Mobility,” 4th International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2-4 June, Nicosia, North Cyprus.

Zafarani, A. R., Arda, Ç., Bildik, S. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2016) “Göçme Yüzeylerinin Sürşarj Uygulanabilen 1g Model Deneyleri ile İncelenmesi,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 16. Ulusal Kongresi, 13-14 Ekim, Erzurum.

Boduroğlu, Ş. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2016) “Zemin Genleşiminin Sıvılaşma Üzerindeki Etkileri,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 16. Ulusal Kongresi, 13-14 Ekim, Erzurum.

Boduroglu, S. and Cinicioglu, O. (2016) “Dilatancy and Its Effects on Liquefaction Susceptibility,” 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-23 September, Istanbul, Turkey.

Boduroglu, S. and Cinicioglu, O. (2016) “Investigating the Relationship between Dilatancy, Cyclic Mobility and Average Particle Shape,” GeoVancouver 2016, Canada.

Altunbas, A., Soltanbeigi, B., and Cinicioglu, O. (2016) “Experimental Characterization of Deformations and Lateral Earth Pressure Distribution Behind the Model Retaining Wall,” 5th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Mechanics, 15-17 November, Tehran, Iran.

Cinicioglu, O., Altunbas, A., Soltanbeigi, B., and Gezgin, A.T. (2015) “Characterization of Active Failure Wedge for Cohesionless Soils,” 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development, 13-17 September, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Gezgin, A. T. and Cinicioglu, O. (2015) “Dilatancy Based Calculation of Passive Earth Thrust and the Locked-In Stress Concept,” 24th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, 11-12 September, Durham, UK.

Soltanbeigi, B., Altunbas, A., and Cinicioglu, O. (2015) “Visualization of Shear Bands in Cohesionless Soils,” 6th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, 15-18 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Sancak, E., and Cinicioglu, O. (2015) “Selection of Design Friction Angle Based on Soil and Project Characteristics,” 6th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, 15-18 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Gezgin, A.T. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2015) “Pasif Zemin İtkisinin Genleşim Açısına Bağlı Hesaplanması ve Kenetlenme Gerilimi Kavramı,” 6. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 26-27 Kasım, Adana.

Sancak, E. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2015) “Geoteknik Tasarımlarda İçsel Sürtünme Açısının Belirlenmesi,” 6. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 26-27 Kasım, Adana.

Arda, Ç., Zafarani, A. R., Bildik, S. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2015) “Kohezyonsuz Zeminlerde Aktif Göçme Yüzeyi Geometrisi,” 6. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 26-27 Kasım, Adana.

Soltanbeigi, B., Altunbas, A., Gezgin, A. T. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2014) “Kohezyonsuz dolguların aktif ve pasif göçme durumlarında oluşan kayma yüzeyleri ve yatay toprak basınç katsayıları,” Teori ve Uygulamada Zemin Yapı Etkileşimi Sempozyumu, 24-25 Nisan, Antalya.

Cinicioglu, O., Altunbas, A, Soltanbeigi, B. and Gezgin, A. T. (2014) “Dilatancy Based Similitude of Small-Scale 1g Models and Prototypes for Cohesionless Soils,” International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, England.

Altunbas, A., Soltanbeigi, B., Gezgin, A. T., and Cinicioglu, O. (2014) “Shear Band Localization Behind Retaining Walls,” Proc. 23rd European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

Altunbas, A., Gezgin, A. T., Soltanbeigi, B., and Cinicioglu, O. (2014) “Influences of Backfill Properties and Stress State on Ultimate Earth Pressure Coefficients,” 15th Danube - European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (DECGE 2014), Vienna, Austria.

Soltanbeigi, B., Gezgin, A. T., Altunbas, A., and Cinicioglu, O. (2014) “Backfill Failure Surfaces and Failure Displacements during Active Failure States,” 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey.

Altunbas, A., Abzal, M., Gezgin, A. T., and Cinicioglu, O. (2014) “Variation of the Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure with Deformation for Cohesionless Backfills,” Proc. 8th International Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Perth, Australia, pp. 905-910.

Soltanbeigi, B., Altunbaş, A. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2014) “Aktif Göçme Durumunda Oluşan Kayma Yüzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onbeşinci Ulusal Kongresi, 16-17 Ekim, ODTÜ, Ankara.

Altunbaş, A., Soltanbeigi, B. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2014) “Kohezyonsuz Dolguların Aktif Göçme Durumunda Oluşan Kayma Yüzeylerinin Tanımlanması,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onbeşinci Ulusal Kongresi, 16-17 Ekim, ODTÜ, Ankara.

Gezgin, A. T. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2014) “Aktif Zemin İtkisinin Genleşim Açısına Bağlı Hesaplanması,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onbeşinci Ulusal Kongresi, 16-17 Ekim, ODTÜ, Ankara.

Sancak, E. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2014) “Geoteknik Tasarımlarda İçsel Sürtünme Açısının Gerinim Esaslı Seçimi,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onbeşinci Ulusal Kongresi, 16-17 Ekim, ODTÜ, Ankara.

Cinicioglu, O. and Erkli, A. (2013) “Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Sloping Cohesive Soils,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, From Case History to Practice, Istanbul, Turkey.

Cinicioglu, O., Abadkon, A., Altunbas, A, and Abzal, M. (2013) “Variation of Friction Angle and Dilatancy for Anisotropic Cohesionless Soils,” Proc. 18th International Conf. on Soil Mech. And Geotechnical Eng., Paris, France, pp. 895-898.

Abzal, M., Altunbaş, A., Gezgin, A. T. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö (2013) “Pasif Göçme Durumlarında Dolgu Kayma Yüzeyleri ve Göçme Mesafeleri,” 5. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 5-7 Aralık, Adana.

Çinicioğlu, Ö. Ve Abadkon, A. (2013) “Kohezyonsuz Zeminlerde Mukavemet ve Genleşim,” 5. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 5-7 Aralık, Adana.

Çinicioğlu, Ö. ve Abadkon, A. (2012) “Anizotropik Kohezyonsuz Zeminlerin Mukavemet ve Genleşim Özellikleri,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Ondördüncü Ulusal Kongresi, 4-5 Ekim, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta.

Erkli, A. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2012) “Kohezyonlu Şevlerin Üzerindeki Yüzeysel Şerit Temellerin Sismik Taşıma Gücü,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Ondördüncü Ulusal Kongresi, 4-5 Ekim, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Isparta.

Esidir, Y. and Cinicioglu, O. (2011) “Evaluation of the Intergranular Coefficient of Friction Using Discrete Element Modeling,” Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, IS Seoul, 1-3 September, Seoul, South Korea.

Eşidir, Y. and Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2010) “Ayrık Elemanlar Yöntemi ile Zemin Daneleri Arası Sürtünme Katsayısının Belirlenmesi,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onüçüncü Ulusal Kongresi, 30 Eylül-1 Ekim, Kültür Üniversitesi, İstanbul.

Çinicioğlu, Ö. and Çağbayır, Ç. (2009) “Off-road mobility assessment based on seismic bearing capacity,” 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 5-9 October, Alexandria, Egypt.

Çinicioğlu, Ö. and Çağbayır, Ç. (2009) “Tam Plastik Zeminlerde Araç Hareketliliğinin İncelenmesi,” 3. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 3-4 Aralık, Adana.

Çağbayır, Ç. ve Çinicioğlu, Ö. (2008) “Arazide Araç Mobilite Problemleri için Sismik Taşıma Gücü Yaklaşımı,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onikinci Ulusal Kongresi, 16-17 Ekim, Konya Selçuk Üniversitesi, Konya.

Cinicioglu, O. Znidarcic, D., and Ko, H.Y. (2007) “A New Model Linking Soil Structure to Strength,” 18th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Ancona, Italy, June, 17-20.

Cinicioglu, O., Znidarcic, D., and Ko, H.Y. (2006) “A Centrifugal Method for Observing the Uncoupled Effects of Void Ratio and Stress History on Undrained Shear Strength of Clays,” Int. Conf. on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Hong Kong, August, 4-6.

Çinicioğlu, Ö., Znidarcic, D., and Ko, H.Y. (2006) “Anizotropik Killer için Boşluk Oranı, Aşırı Konsolidasyon Oranı ve Kesme Mukavemeti İlişkilerinin Tanımlanması,” Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği Onbirinci Ulusal Kongresi, Eylül, 7-8, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon.

Jeanjean, P., Znidarcic, D., Philipps, R., Ko, H.Y., Pfister, S., Cinicioglu, O., and Schroeder, K. (2006) “Centrifuge Testing on Suction Anchors: Double-Wall, Stiff Clays, and Layered Soil Profile,” Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May, 1-4.


Research Reports

  • Ozer Cinicioglu, Changsoo Hwang, Hon-Yim Ko, and Dobroslav Znidarcic (2003), "Centrifuge Testing of Suction Anchors in Stiff Clays", Report on Tests 1, 2, and 3, Prepared for BP America Inc.
  • Ozer Cinicioglu, Dobroslav Znidarcic, and Hon-Yim Ko (2004), "Centrifuge Testing of Suction Anchors in Stiff Clays Overlying Sand Layers", Report on Tests A, B, C, and D, Prepared for BP America Inc.
  • Ozer Cinicioglu, Dobroslav Znidarcic (2004), "Consolidation Test Results for Slurry Samples," Fox River Project, Prepared for Shaw E&I, Inc.
  • Ozer Cinicioglu, Dobroslav Znidarcic (2005), "Consolidation Test Results for Slurry Samples," Fox River Project, Prepared for Shaw E&I, Inc.
  • "Analysis of Retrogressive Slope Stability Failures," Bogazici University Research Fund, (08A402).

Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers (İMO)

Turkish Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ZMGM)

International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ISSMGE)

ISSMGE TC101: Technical Committee for Laboratory Stress Strain Strength Testing of Geomaterials (corresponding member)

ISSMGE TC105: Technical Committee for Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (nominated member)

ISSMGE TC212: Technical Committee for Deep Foundation (nominated member)

ISSMGE TC305: Technical Committee for Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New Capitals

ISSMGE TC308: Technical Committee on Energy Geotechnics (nominated member)


Mechanics of Materials Undergraduate
Soil Mechanics  Undergraduate
Foundation Engineering Graduate
Advanced Soil Mechanics Graduate
Geotechnical Modelling Graduate
Graduate Seminar Graduate
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Graduate
Piles and Pile Foundations Graduate
Critical State Soil Mechanics Graduate


University Fellowship from the Graduate School, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2003

University Fellowship from the Graduate School, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2004.

National Committee of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering – Selected representative to the 18th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Ancona, Italy, 2007