Starting Fall 2017 and Later

All students who have started their coursework in Fall 2017 and later must complete the following curriculum for graduation.


1.  To satisfy the HSS requirements, "HSS Electives" have to be chosen from  only amongst the four courses approved by the Civil Engineering Department:   HUM 101 Cultural Encounters I,  HUM 102 Cultural Encounters II,  HIST 105 The Making of the Modern World I,  HIST 106 The Making of the Modern World II.

2. Departmental Electives are to be chosen from amongst course offered by the Civil Engineering Department (course codes CE) subject to advisor approval – at least one of the Departmental Electives must be chosen from courses with significant design content (list to be provided every semester by the Department); “Restricted  Elective” is to be chosen from amongst the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering, science departments of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, and science and engineering courses offered by the Graduate Institutes, subject to advisor approval; “Unrestricted Electives” may be chosen from amongst the courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, and Graduate Institutes, subject to advisor approval.