Ilgın Yaşar (Gökaşar)

Rank & Status: 

Professor, full time

Phone Number: 

+90(212) 359-7278 / 4879


+90(212) 287-2457




Civil and Environmental Engineering

Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ, USA



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ, USA



Civil Engineering

Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey



Service on the Faculty: 
Professor February 2024  

Associate Professor

April 2018 

February 2024

Assistant Professor

May 2007

April 2018
Lecturer Jan 2007 May 2007
Graduate Assistant Sep 2000

Dec 2000



Other Related Experience




Graduate Assistant

Rutgers University

Jan 2001-May 2006



Research Interests

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems, Traffic Safety, Ramp Metering, Real-Time Traffic Control, Incident Management, Work Zone Traffic Management, Advanced Public Transportation Systems
  • Traffic Flow Modeling and Simulation
  • Connected/Autonomous Vehicles, EV, Metaverse implementations in Transportation Systems
  • Micromobility, mobility as a service (MAAS)
  • Smart and Sustainable Transportation Systems
  • Effects of Climate Change, Resilience of Transportation Systems
  • Circular Economy Implementations in Transportation Engineering
  • The Use of Big Data to Address Challenges in Mobility, Safety, Equity, Sustainability in Multimodal Transportation Systems
  • Airport Ground Access and Egress Modeling
  • Travel Behavior

Other Activities within Engineering and Teaching Professions


  • PATENT: Mountable Scooter Safety Equipment 5/08/2022 2022/012433
  • Organizing committee member- International Conference on Operations Research, Business Analytic, and Data Science (ICODAS-2023)
  • Supervised over 250 senior projects (CE 492 Project Course)
  • Founder and Director of Bogazici University Intelligent Transportation System Laboratory ( 2014
  • Founder and Director of BOUN Mobility Lab ( 2014
  • Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı Milli Teknoloji Genel Müdürlüğü Otonom Araçlar Çalışma Grubu Üyesi
  • TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası Ulaştırma Uzmanlık Kurulu Üyesi 2021-devam ediyor
  • Eurocast 2022, 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Systems Theory, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain20-25 February 2022, Program Committee member and Chairperson of the session”Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Mobility”
  • 13. Ulaştırma Kongresi Organizing Committee Member-2018/2019
  • Member of Academic Foreign Relations Committee-since 2021
  • Ph.D. Qualifying Committee Member -(May 2012-2016)
  • The Financial Aid Office: The Scholarship Committee Member -(2010-2013).
  • Building and Land Development Committee Member - since December 2012.
  • Staff services committee member-Since 2017.
  • Undergraduate Advisor of Bogazici University, Civil Engineering Department - since 2007.
  • TETAM ( Teleiletişim ve Enformatik Teknolojileri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi) founding member –since April 2013
  • 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering Organizing Committee Member-2016
  • Registration chair- ICVES 2012 IEEE Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety Organizing Committee, Istanbul, Turkey, July 24-27, 2012
  • Referee,Teknik Dergi (TMMOB). IEEE Transactions on ITS, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, TRB, Journal of Advanced Transportation
  • 9. Transportation Congress,Sustainable Transportation, Science and Advising Committee Member, 16-18 Mayıs 2011
  • Karayolları :Eğitim-Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri, March 20-21, 2014, Ankara



Book Chapters:

  1. Deveci, M., Gokasar, I., Pamucar, D., Biswas, S., & Simic, V.  (2021) “An Integrated Proximity Indexed Value and q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Decision Making Model for Prioritization of Green Campus Transportation”, q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Set: Theory & Applications in Springer, Accepted. Book Chapter

  2. Kachroo, P. and Özbay, K. (2003) "Feedback Ramp Metering in Intelligent Transportation Systems", Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York. (Chapter 1 (pages 1-14) & Chapter 12)

  3. Coordinated Feedback-Based Freeway Ramp Metering Control Strategies C-MIXCROS and D-MIXCROS that Take Ramp Queues into Account, Gökaşar, Ilgın,Özbay Kaan,Pushkin Kachroo, Yayın Yeri:Springer New York, Editör:Ukkusuri, Satish V. , Ozbay, Kaan , No:1, ISBN:978-1-4614-6243-9, pp:67 -88, 2012

Papers in Refereed Journals:

A63. Y. Cetinel, I. Gokasar and M. Deveci (2024) Locational Intelligence Using GPS Trajectory Records of Courier Motorcycles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, doi: 10.1109/TIV.2024.3453511

A62. Ahmadpur, M. and I. Gokasar (2024) Evaluation and comparison of administrative division-level road traffic safety indices of Egypt, England, Turkey, and the United States, Journal of Safety Research, Volume 89, Pages 251-261, ISSN 0022-4375,

A61. Rani,P., A. R. Mishra, M. Deveci, I. Gokasar, E. Yemlihalioglu, P. R. Brito-Parada (2024) Evaluation of Micromobility Risk Management Alternatives Using Interval-Valued q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Interaction Operators-Based WISP Method, Applied Soft Computing, 111496, ISSN 1568-4946,

A60. Deveci, M., I. Gokasar, D. Pamucar, A. A. Zaidan, W. Wei, and W. Pedrycz (2024) Advantage prioritization of digital carbon footprint awareness in optimized urban mobility using fuzzy Aczel Alsina based decision making, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 151, 111136, ISSN 1568-4946,

A59. Deveci, M., A. R. Mishra, P. Rani, I. Gokasar, M. Isik, D. Delen, K.-B. Ooi, and T. Daim (2024) Evaluation of intelligent transportation system implementation alternatives in metaverse using a Fermatean fuzzy distance measure-based OCRA model, Information Sciences, Volume 657, 120008, ISSN 0020-0255,

A58. Haseli, G., M. Deveci, M. Isik, I. Gokasar, D.Pamucar, and M. Hajiaghaei-Keshteli (2024) Providing climate change resilient land-use transport projects with green finance using Z extended numbers based decision-making model, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 243, 122858, ISSN 0957-4174,

A57. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, L. Martinez, M. Köppen, and Witold Pedrycz (2024) Accelerating the integration of the metaverse into urban transportation using fuzzy trigonometric based decision making, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 127, Part A, 107242, ISSN 0952-1976,, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.194)

A56. Jeevaraj S., I. Gokasar, M. Deveci, D. Delen, B. B. Zaidan, X. Wen, W.-L. Shang, Gang Kou (2023) Adoption of energy consumption in urban mobility considering digital carbon footprint: A two-phase interval-valued
Fermatean fuzzy dominance methodology, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 126, Part
A,  106836,  ISSN  0952-1976,,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.194)

A55. Gokasar, I., A. Karakurt, Y. Kuvvetli, M. Deveci, D. Delen, and D. Pamucar (2023) Sustainable regional rail system pricing using a machine learning-based optimization approach, Annals of Operations Research, 1572-9338, (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.800)

A54. Arunodaya R. M., P. Rani, M. Deveci, I. Gokasar, D. Pamucar, and K. Govindan (2023) Interval-valued Fermatean fuzzy heronian mean operator-based decision-making method for urban climate change policy for
transportation activities, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 124, 106603, ISSN 0952-
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.194)

A53. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, B. B. Zaidan, L. Martinez, and W. Pedrycz (2023) Assessing alternatives of including social robots in urban transport using fuzzy trigonometric operators based decision-making model,
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 194, 122743, ISSN 0040-1625, (SSCI-MEP: 1.846)

A52. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, M. Köppen, B. B. Gupta, and T. Daim (2023) Evaluation of Metaverse traffic safety implementations using fuzzy Einstein based logarithmic methodology of additive weights and TOPSIS method, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 194, 122681, ISSN 0040-1625,
( (SSCI-MEP: 1.846)

A51. Deveci, M., Krishankumar, R., I. Gokasar, and R. T. Deveci (2023) Prioritization of healthcare systems during pandemics using Cronbach’s measure based fuzzy WASPAS approach. Annals of Operations Research, 328, 279–307,  (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.800)

A50. Gokasar, I., V. Simic, M. Deveci, and T. Senapati (2023) Alternative prioritization of freeway incident management using autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic using a type-2 neutrosophic number based decision
support system, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 123, Part A, 106183, ISSN 0952-
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.194)

A49. Ahmadpur, M. and I. Yasar (2023) Hot spot analysis and evaluation of influencing factors on regional road crash safety and severity indices: insights from Iran, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2023.2242339 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.480)

A48. Gokasar, I., M. Deveci, M. Isik, T. Daim, A. A. Zaidan, and F. Smarandache (2023) Evaluation of the alternatives of introducing electric vehicles in developing countries using Type-2 neutrosophic numbers based RAFSI model, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 192, 122589, ISSN 0040-1625,
( (SSCI-MEP: 1.846)

A47. Gokasar, I., A. A. Arisoy, M. Deveci and A. Mardani (2023) Evaluation of a New Real-Life Traffic Management Using a Limited Number of Connected Autonomous Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3285913. (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.675)

A46. Fidanoglu, A., I. Gokasar, and M. Deveci (2023) Integrating shared autonomous vehicles in Last-Mile public transportation, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 57, 103214, ISSN 2213-1388,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.010)

A45. Deveci, M., I. Gokasar, D. Pamucar, A. A. Zaidan, X. Wen, and B. B. Gupta (2023) Evaluation of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System scenarios for resilience in transportation using type-2 neutrosophic fuzzy VIKOR, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 172, 103666, ISSN 0965-8564,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.470)

A44. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, and M. Tavana (2023) Spacecraft tracking control and synchronization: An assessment of conventional, unconventional, and combined methods, Advances in Space Research, Volume 71, Issue 9, Pages 3534-3551, ISSN 0273-1177, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.598)

A43. Deveci, M., I. Gokasar, D. Pamucar, Y. Chen, D'M. Coffman (2023) Sustainable E-scooter parking operation in urban areas using fuzzy Dombi based RAFSI model, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 91, 104426, ISSN
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.414)

A42. Pamucar, D., I. Gokasar, A. E. Torkayesh, M. Deveci, L. Martínez, and Q. Wu (2023) Prioritization of unmanned aerial vehicles in transportation systems using the integrated stratified fuzzy rough decision-making approach with the hamacher operator, Information Sciences, Volume 622, Pages 374-404,   ISSN 0020-0255,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.333)

A41. Gokasar, I., A. Timurogullari, A., Ozkan, S.S., M. Deveci (2023) IDILIM: incident detection included linear management using connected autonomous vehicles, Annals of Operations Research, (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.800)

A40. Pamucar, D., M. Deveci, I. Gokasar, D. Delen, M. Köppen, W. Pedrycz (2023) Evaluation of metaverse integration alternatives of sharing economy in transportation using fuzzy Schweizer-Sklar based ordinal priority approach, Decision Support Systems, Volume 171, 113944, ISSN 0167-9236,,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.536)

A39. Deveci, M., I. Gokasar, A. R. Mishra, P. Rani, and Z. Ye (2023) Evaluation of climate change-resilient transportation alternatives using fuzzy Hamacher aggregation operators based group decision-making model, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 119, 105824, ISSN 0952-1976,,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.194)

A38. Hızarcı, S., S. Tanyel, S. Dündar , I. Gokasar, I. , B. Sengoz  and A. Topal (2023). Işıksız Kavşaklarda Kritik
Aralık Kabulü İçin Yeni Bir Yaklaşım, Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering, 34 (4), 105-132, DOI: 10.18400/tjce.1314559 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.092)

A37. Gokasar, I., D. Pamucar, M. Deveci, and W. Ding (2023) A novel rough numbers based extended MACBETH method for the prioritization of the connected autonomous vehicles in real-time traffic management, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 211, 118445, ISSN 0957-4174,, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.277)

A36. Gokasar, I., A. Timurogullari, M. Deveci, and H. Garg (2023) SWSCAV: Real-time traffic management using connected autonomous vehicles, ISA Transactions, Volume 132, Pages 24-38, ISSN 0019-0578,,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.191)

A35. Simic, V., I. Gokasar, M. Deveci and L. Švadlenka (2023) Mitigating Climate Change Effects of Urban Transportation Using a Type-2 Neutrosophic MEREC-MARCOS Model, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3207375. (SCI-EXP/SSCI-MEP: 0.857)

A34. Simic, V., I. Gokasar, M. Deveci and M. Isik (2023) Fermatean Fuzzy Group Decision-Making Based CODAS Approach for Taxation of Public Transit Investments, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 4233-4248, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3109038. (SCI-EXP/SSCI-MEP: 0.857)

A33. Gokasar, I., D. Pamucar, M. Deveci, B. B. Gupta, L. Martinez, and O. Castillo (2023) Metaverse integration alternatives of connected autonomous vehicles with self-powered sensors using fuzzy decision making model, Information Sciences, Volume 642, 119192, ISSN 0020-0255, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.333)

A32. Deveci, M., I. Gokasar, O. Castillo, and T. Daim (2022) Evaluation of Metaverse integration of freight fluidity measurement alternatives using fuzzy Dombi EDAS model, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume
174,  108773,  ISSN  0360-8352,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.139)

A31. Pamucar, D., M. Deveci, Ž. Stević, I. Gokasar, M. Isik, and D'M. Coffman (2022) Green Strategies in Mobility Planning Towards Climate Change Adaption of Urban Areas Using Fuzzy 2D Algorithm, Sustainable
Cities and Society, Volume 87, 104159, ISSN 2210-6707,, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.414)

A30. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, D. Delen, and L. Martínez (2022) A fuzzy Einstein-based decision support system for public transportation management at times of pandemic, Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume
252,  109414,  ISSN  0950-7051,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.443)

A29. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, W. Pedrycz and X. Wen (2022) Autonomous Bus Operation Alternatives in Urban Areas Using Fuzzy Dombi-Bonferroni Operator Based Decision Making Model, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3202111. (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.675)

A28. Pamucar, D., M. Deveci, I. Gokasar, M. Tavana, and M. Köppen (2022) A metaverse assessment model for sustainable transportation using ordinal priority approach and Aczel-Alsina norms, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 182, 121778, ISSN 0040-1625, ( (SSCI-MEP: 1.846)

A27. Deveci, M., I. Gokasar, and P. R. Brito-Parada (2022) A comprehensive model for socially responsible rehabilitation of mining sites using Q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets and combinative distance-based assessment, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 200, 117155, ISSN 0957-4174,, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.277)

A26. Gokasar, I., A. Timurogullari, S. S. Özkan, M. Deveci and Z. Lv (2022) MSND: Modified Standard Normal Deviate Incident Detection Algorithm for Connected Autonomous and Human-Driven Vehicles in Mixed Traffic, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 13151-13160, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3190667. (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.675)

A25. Deveci, M., A. R. Mishra, I. Gokasar, P. Rani, D. Pamucar and E. Özcan (2022) A Decision Support System for Assessing and Prioritizing Sustainable Urban Transportation in Metaverse, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 475-484, Feb. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2022.3190613. (SCI-EXP-MEP: 2.447) A24. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, M. Köppen and B. B. Gupta (2022) Personal Mobility in Metaverse with Autonomous Vehicles Using Q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Sets Based OPA-RAFSI Model, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3186294. (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.675)

A23. Pamucar, D., M. Deveci, I. Gokasar, L. Martínez and M. Köppen (2022) Prioritizing transport planning strategies for freight companies towards zero carbon emission using ordinal priority approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 169, 108259, ISSN 0360-8352, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.139)

A22. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, D. Delen, Q. Wu, and V. Simic (2022) An analytics approach to decision
alternative prioritization for zero-emission zone logistics, Journal of Business Research, Volume 146, Pages 554-
570,  ISSN  0148-2963,
( (SSCI-MEP: 1.941)

A21. Gokasar, I., D. Pamucar, M. Deveci, and W. Ding (2022) A Novel Rough Numbers based Extended MACBETH Method Implementation in the Prioritization of the Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 211, 118445,ISSN 0957-4174, (SCI-EXPMEP: 1.277)

A20. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, I. Gokasar, M. Isik, and D'M. Coffman (2022) Fuzzy Einstein WASPAS approach for the economic and societal dynamics of the climate change mitigation strategies in urban mobility planning, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 61, Pages 1-17, ISSN 0954-349X,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.920)

A19. Deveci, M., I. Gokasar, D. Pamucar, D'M. Coffman, and E. Papadonikolaki (2022) Safe E-scooter operation alternative prioritization using a q-rung orthopair Fuzzy Einstein based WASPAS approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 347, 131239, ISSN 0959-6526,, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.482)

A18. Simic, V., I. Gokasar, M. Deveci, and A. Karakurt (2022) An integrated CRITIC and MABAC based type-2 neutrosophic model for public transportation pricing system selection, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences,
Volume  80,  101157,  ISSN  0038-0121,
( (SSCI-MEP: 0.900)

A17. Gokasar, I., M. Deveci, and O. Kalan (2022) CO2 Emission based prioritization of bridge maintenance projects using neutrosophic fuzzy sets based decision making approach, Research in Transportation Economics,
Volume  91,  101029,  ISSN  0739-8859,
( (SSCI-MEP: 0.741)

A16. Pamucar, D., M. Deveci, I. Gokasar, and M. Popovic (2022) Fuzzy Hamacher WASPAS decision-making model for advantage prioritization of sustainable supply chain of electric ferry implementation in public transportation. Environment Development and Sustainability 24, 7138–7177, (SSCI-MEP: 0.606)

A15. Pamucar, D., M. Deveci, I. Gokasar, M.Işık, and M. Zizovic (2021) Circular economy concepts in urban mobility alternatives using integrated DIBR method and fuzzy Dombi CoCoSo model, Journal of Cleaner
Production, Volume 323, 129096, ISSN 0959-6526,, ( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.482)

A14. Ahmadpur, M. and I. Gokasar (2021) Spatial analysis and evaluation of road traffic safety performance indexes across the provinces of Turkey from 2015 to 2019, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 28:3, 309-324, DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2021.1925923 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.480)

A13. Deveci, M., D. Pamucar, and I. Gokasar (2021) Fuzzy Power Heronian function based CoCoSo method for the advantage prioritization of autonomous vehicles in real-time traffic management, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 69, 102846, ISSN 2210-6707,,
( (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.414)

A12. Gunay, G. and I. Gokasar (2021) Market segmentation analysis for airport access mode choice modeling with mixed logit, Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 91, 102001, ISSN 0969-6997,
( (SSCI-MEP:  0.843)

A11. Gokasar, I., and G. Gunay (2021) Modeling and Implications of Airport Ground Egress Mode Choice. KSCE J Civ Eng 25, 669–679, (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.375)

A10. Ö.F. Aydın, I. Gokasar and O. Kalan (2020), Matching Algorithm for Improving Ridesharing by Incorporating Route Splits and Social Factors, PLOS ONE, Volume 15 (3), Pages 1-23, DOI:
10.1371/journal.pone.0229674 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.946)

A9. Gokasar, I., Y. Cetinel and M.G. Baydogan (2019) Estimation of Influence Distance of Bus Stops using Bus GPS Data and Bus Stop Properties, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Pages 1-8, DOI: 0.1109/TITS.2019.2909645 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.675)

A8. Gokasar, I., and G. Bakioglu (2018) Modeling the effects of real time information on travel behavior: A case study of Istanbul Technical University, Transportation Research Part F, Volume 58, October 2018, Pages 881-892 (SSCI-MEP: 1.038)

A7. Canitez, F., M. Deveci and I. Gokasar (2018) WASPAS and TOPSIS based interval type-2 fuzzy MCDM method for a selection of a car sharing station, Sustainable Cities and Society, doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2018.05.034  (SCI-EXP-MEP: 1.414)

A6. I. Gokasar and G. Günay. (2017) Mode Choice Behavior Modeling of Ground Access to Airports: A Case Study in Istanbul, Turkey. Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 59, Pages 1-7, March 2017 (SSCI-MEP: 

A5. Gokasar, I., (2016) The Investigation of The Effect of Lane Control Systems on Traffic Management,  Teknik Dergi, 27(4), 7635-7657 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.092)

A4. Günay G., G. Ergün and I. Gokasar (2016).  Conditional Freight Trip Generation modelling.  Journal of Transport Geography, 54, 102-111., Doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.05.013 (SSCI-MEP: 1.291)

A3. Ghaffarian S. and I. Gokasar (2016). Automatic vehicle detection based on automatic histogram-based fuzzy C-means algorithm and perceptual grouping using very high-resolution aerial imagery and road vector data.  Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10(1), 15011-15., Doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.10.015011 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.291)

A2. Gokasar, I., ve O.F. Aydın (2014) Evaluation of Traffic Management Strategies Implemented During the FSM Bridge Maintenance, Teknik Dergi, vol. 25, no. 121, Jan. 2014 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.092)

A1. K. Ozbay, I. Yasar, P. Kachroo (2004),” Comprehensive Evaluation of Feedback Based Freeway RampMetering Strategy using Microscopic Simulation. Transportation Research Record 1867, pp. 89-96, Freeway Operations and Traffic Signal Systems 2004, Book Series: Transportation Research Record, Issue: 1867 Pages: 89-96, Published: 2004 (SCI-EXP-MEP: 0.421)

D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :     (Articles published in national refereed journals)

D1. Fidanoglu, A. & Gökaşar, I. (2023). A Method for Public Transit OD Estimation Using Transit Smart Card Data . Journal of Transportation and Logistics , 7 (2) , 579-588 . DOI: 10.26650/JTL.2022.1192128

D2. Ö.F. Aydın ve I. Gökaşar (2021), The Effects of Including Social Factors in Ride-Matching Algorithms on The Performance and The Quality of Matches, Turkish Journal of Engineering, Volume 5(1), Pages 44-50. DOI: 10.31127/tuje.657867 (Coverage: ULAKBIM).

D3. Gokasar, I., B. Buran, and S. Dundar (2018) Modelling the quality of bus services by using factor analysis on urban bus satisfaction survey data: Case of IETT, Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume: 24   Issue: 6   Pages: 1079-1086 (Emerging Sources Citation Index, ULAKBIM).

D4. Gokasar, I. (2018) Kaza-Olay Algılma Algoritmalarının Mikroskobik Benzetim ile Modellenmesi ve Değerlendirilmesi: D 100 Karayolu Örneği, Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi JITSA, Cilt 1, Sayı 2, Sayfa 92-112.

D5. Gokasar, I., ve S. Dündar (2018) Sürücüsüz taşıtların trafik akım hızına etkisinin yapay sinir ağları ile incelenmesi, Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi JITSA, Cilt 1, Sayı 2, Sayfa 59-75.

D6. Yaşar, I. (2010) Overview of Incident Detection Algorithms. Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Muhendislik Fakultesi Journal of Science and Engineering, ISSN 1302-9304, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1 (Sayı 34), (Coverage: ULAKBIM).


F. Diğer yayınlar:
    (Other publications)

F1. Karakurt, A. and Gokasar, I. (2024). Evaluation of User Costs in Terms of Public Transportation Fare: A Literature Review. Journal of Operations Intelligence, 2(1), 285-299.

F2 Gokasar, I. and O. Karaman (2023) Integration of Personnel Services with Public Transportation Modes: A Case Study of Bogazici University. Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics, 1(1), 1-17.

F3. Gokasar and O. Şahin (2020), Evaluation of the Travel Behaviors and Attitudes of the Passengers towards the BRT Line in Istanbul, Journal of Transportation Systems, No: 1, Pages 16-27, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3696656

F4. O. Kalan and I. Gökaşar (2020), Dynamic Panel Data Approach for the Analysis of the Growth Impact of Highway Infrastructures on Economic Development, Modern Economy, Volume 11(3), Pages: 726-739, DOI: 10.4236/me.2020.113053

F5. Gokasar, I. (2018) Kaza-Olay Algılma Algoritmalarının Mikroskobik Benzetim ile Modellenmesi ve Değerlendirilmesi: D 100 Karayolu Örneği, Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi JITSA, Cilt 1, Sayı 2, Sayfa 92-112.

F6. Gokasar, I., ve S. Dündar (2018) Sürücüsüz taşıtların trafik akım hızına etkisinin yapay sinir ağları ile incelenmesi, Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi JITSA, Cilt 1, Sayı 2, Sayfa 59-75.

F7. Gokasar I. and G. Bakioğlu (2016).  The Effect of User Comments on Traffic Application Usage.  International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering: Urban and Civil Engineering, 10(11), 1352-1359, (International Science Index).

F8. S. Ghaffarian and I. Gokasar (2015) Traffic Density Measurement by Automatic Detection of Vehicles Using Gradient Vectors from Aerial Images, International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, (International Science Index)

Papers in International Conference Proceedings:

B1. Cetinel, Y. and I. Gokasar (2024) Outlier Detection in Energy Consumption of Courier Motorcycles Using Acceleration Patterns from GPS Data, the 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Storage of Energy (ICEESEN 2024), 5-7September2024, Cappadocia University, Urgup, Nevşehir, Türkiye

B2. C Cakar, M Akdag, I Gökasar, ÜG Günes, KE Durgun , M Sengül, V Yildiz, İ Keseru, A Cemil Tepe (2024) The Transformative Power of Play: The Oyun Istanbul Hop Project in the Context of Tactical Urbanism, AESOP Annual Congress, Volume 36, Publication date:2024/7/14

B3. Gokasar, I., V. Yildiz, O. T. Şıracı and K. Köran (2023) Evaluation of Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems Scenarios, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (BANU-ITSC’23), 15-17 November 2023, Bandırma, Bursa.

B4. Y. Cetinel and I. Gokasar (2023) A Comprehensive Review on GPS Studies in Power Two-Wheelers, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (BANU-ITSC’23), 15-17 November 2023, Bandırma, Bursa.

B5. Arisoy, A. A. and I. Gokasar (2023) The State of Agricultural Logistics in The Republic of Turkiye, 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (BANU-ITSC’23), 15-17 November 2023, Bandırma, Bursa.

B6. Gokasar, I., E. Ozcan, M. Deveci, and M. Tang (2023) Moving Towards Sustainable Transportation: Integrating Rail and Ferry Transportation for A Connected and Smart Istanbul Mobility, 13th International Conference on Logistics, Information and Service Sciences, LISS 2023, 25-28 July, China

B7. Gokasar, I., E. Ozcan, M. Deveci, and M. Tang (2023) A Review on Sustainable Transportation and Circular Economy Actions on Urban Mobility, 13th International Conference on Logistics, Information and Service Sciences, LISS 2023, 25-28 July, China

B8. Gunay, G., G. Ergun and I. Gokasar (2023) Truck and Van Trip Generation at Logistical Sites, International Conferences on Science and Technology; Engineering Science and Technology, International Conferences on Science and Technology, 30 August - 1 September 2023 in Budva, Montenegro.

B9. Deveci, M., Gokasar, I. and Cali, U. (2022) Evaluation of Urban Mobility Alternatives for Blockchain Use in Metaverse, IEEE 1st Global Emerging Technology “GET” Blockchain Forum, Nov 7 - 11,

B10. Akincilar, M. and I. Gokasar (2022) Solar-Powered Charging Station Design for Scooters Towards Zero Carbon Emission, ICEESEN-2022 2nd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Storage of Energy, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

B11. Gokasar, I. and U. Yalcinkaya (2022) Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency of Different T-Intersection Designs in Connected Autonomous Vehicle Operations, ICEESEN-2022 2nd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Storage of Energy, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

B12. Gokasar, I. and A. Timurogullari, (2021) Real-Time Prediction of Traffic Density with Deep Learning Using Computer Vision and Traffic Event Information, International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA), Kocaeli, Turkey, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/INISTA52262.2021.9548434.

B13. Gokasar, I., R. Sahin and S.S. Ozkan (2021) The Evaluation of the Effects of Covid19 Restrictions on the Number of Vehicles and the Air Pollutants in Istanbul, ACE 2020-21, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 September, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

B14. Gokasar, I., A. Timurogullari, S.S. Ozkan, E. Kozan, and A. Kozan (2021) The evaluation of the effect of autonomous vehicles on the traffic speed distribution of the lanes in an incident case, ACE 2020-21, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 September, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

B15. Gokasar, I., M.G. Tulu and S.S. Ozkan (2021) Decision Criteria Analysis with Analytic Hierarchical Process for Electric Bus Implementations, ACE 2020-21, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 September, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

B16. Gokasar, I., A. Timurogullari, and S.S. Ozkan (2021) Comprehensive Evaluation of the Effects of VSL and LCS Implementations with Connected Autonomous Vehicles, ACE 2020-21, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 September, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

B17. Ulgen, B.K. and I. Gokasar (2021) Developing a Lightweight and User-Friendly Android Application to Collect Continuous Traffic Data, ACE 2020-21, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 September, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

B18. Gokasar, I., A. Karakurt and G. Gunay (2021) Evaluation of the factors affecting the time of day choices of the elderly for public transportation use, ACE 2020-21, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 September, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

B19. Ahmadpur, M. and Gokasar, I. (2021) Evaluation of the performance of Several Machine Learning algorithms for vehicle detection on a highway by using HOG features, ACE 2020-21, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 6-8 September, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

B20. Ahmadpur, M. and I Gokasar (2021) Comparing the performance of machine learning algorithms for vehicle detection in highways, Vol1, Issue 1, Pages 1329-1336, ACE 2020-2, 14th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul-Turkey

B21. Kurkcu, A., I. Gokasar, O. Kalan, A. Timurogullari, and B. Altin (2021), Insights into the Impact of COVID19 on Bicycle Usage in Colorado Counties, 100th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January, 2021.

B22. G. Günay and I. Gökaşar (2020), Modeling Airport Ground Access Mode Choice by Trip Purpose:Business vs. Personal Trips, International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction, DOHA.

B23. Aydin, O. F. and I. Gokasar (2019) The Effects of Including Social Factors in Ride-Matching Algorithms on the Performance and the Quality of Matches, International Conference on Innovation, Sustainability, Technology and Education in Civil Engineering (ISTE-CE’2019), June 13-15, İskenderun, Turkey.

B24. Gokasar, I. and Y. Çetinel (2019) A new strategy for the diagnosis of the bus headways using AVL data, 6th International conference on models and technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems. June 5-7, Krakow, Poland (IEEE MT-ITS 2019).

B25. Gokasar, I. and K. Aytekin (2019) Accident lane prediction using probabilistic inference, 6th International conference on models and technologies for intelligent Transportation Systems. June 5-7, Krakow, Poland (IEEE MT-ITS 2019).

B26. Aydın, O.F. and I. Gokasar (2019) Comparison of the Dynamic Ride-Matching Algorithms, International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference 2019, 17-20 April, Trabzon, Turkey

B27. Tanyel, S., S. Dundar, I. Gokasar, and I.M. Ulu (2019) Determining passenger car equivalance values for heavy vehicles under uninterrupted traffic conditions in Izmir, Turkey, International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference 2019, 17-20 April, Trabzon, Turkey (THE 3RD BEST PAPER AWARD)

B28. Gokasar, I. and O. Sahin (2019) Overview of the effects of transportation investments, International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference 2019, 17-20 April, Trabzon, Turkey.

B29. Gokasar, I., A. A. Arisoy and K. Aytekin (2019) An innovative approach to optimization of personnel service system in developing countries. 98th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 13-17, 2019.

B30. Gokasar, I. and Y. Çetinel (2018) Analysis of the effect of time of day on bus speeds near a bus stop using GPS data. ACE 2018, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September, İzmir.

B31. Gokasar, I., and A. Fidanoglu (2018). A method for determining alighting locations of bus passengers, ACE 2018, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September, İzmir.

B32. Gokasar, I., and A.A. Arisoy (2018). Evaluation of the Effects of Autonomous Public Transportation Vehicles on Traffic Conditions, ACE 2018, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September, İzmir.

B33. Gokasar, I., and G. Gunay (2018). Integration of Carsharing with Rail Transit for Airport Ground Access: A case of Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport (SAW), ACE 2018, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September, İzmir.

B34. Gokasar, I., Dündar, S. And Y. Cetinel (2018) Evaluation of the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on Traffic Conditions Using Artificial Neural Networks, ACE 2018, 13th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 September, İzmir.

B35. Gokasar, I., Dündar, S. (2018) Investigation of the Effects of Autonomous Vehicles on the Traffic Speeds Using Artificial Neural Networks, International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (BANUITSC’18), 19-21 April 2018, Bandırma, Bursa.

B36. Gokasar, I., (2018) Microscopic Modeling and Evaluation of Incident Detection Algorithms: A case of D 100 Highway, Istanbul, International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (BANU-ITSC’18), 19-21 April 2018, Bandırma, Bursa.

B37. Gokasar, I. and G. Günay (2018).  Transit Integration of Carsharing for Airport Ground Access.  97th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 7-11, 2018.

B38. Gokasar, I. and Y. Çetinel (2017). Analysis of the Effect of the Lane-Drops on the Traffic near Bus Stops using Bus GPS Data. The 8th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, May 16-19, Madeira, Portugal (ANT 2017).

B39. Gokasar, I. and Y. Çetinel (2017). Evaluation of Bus Dwelling Patterns Using Bus GPS Data. 5th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems. June 26-28, Napoli, Italy (IEEE MT-ITS 2017).

B40. Gokasar, I. and G. Günay (2017). Carpooling between Campuses: Case Study of Bogazici University.  96th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, January 8-12, 2017.

B41. Gokasar, I. ve G. Bakioğlu (2016).  Trafik Uygulamaları´nın Trafik Güvenliğine Etkisi.  7th International Symposium and Exhibition for Road Traffic Safety, Ankara, İstanbul

B42. Gokasar, I., İ. Özer ve M. Akıncılar (2016).  İstanbul´daki Motosiklet Kazalarında Beşeri Faktörlerin İncelenmesi.  7th International Symposium and Exhibition for Road Traffic Safety, Ankara, İstanbul.

B43. Gokasar, I., and M. Bayrak (2016).  Bicycle Friendly Inter-Campus Transportation: A case study of Bogazici University.  12th International Congress on on Advances in Civil Engineering, Bogazici University, İstanbul

B44. Gokasar, I. and G. Bakioğlu (2016).  The Effect of User Comments on Traffic Application Usage.  12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Bogazici University, İstanbul

B45. O. Atahan, G. Bakioglu, M. A. Silgu, M. Balcilar, S. Özcanan, M. Büyük, I. Gokasar, and H. B.Çelikoğlu
(2015). Incident Detection Algorithms: A Literature Review, 1st IRF Europe & Central Asia Regional Congress & Exhibition, İstanbul.

B46. Gokasar, I., K. Simsek, and K. Ozbay (2015). Using Big Data of Automated Fare Collection System for Analysis and Improvement of Bus Rapid Transit Line in Istanbul, Turkey . Presented in 94th TRB Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 2015.

B47. Gokasar, I. and K. Simsek (2014). Using “Big Data” For Analysis and Improvement of Public Transportation Systems in Istanbul. The Second ASE (Academy of Science and Engineering) International Conference on Big Data Science and Computing, May 27-31, 2014, CA, USA.

B48. K. Ozbay, I. Yasar, P. Kachroo (2006). Improved Online Estimation Methods for a Feedback-Based Freeway Ramp Metering Strategy. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, Toronto, Canada, 2006.

B49. Yasar, I., K. Ozbay, and P. Kachroo (2006). Evaluation of the System-Wide Effects of Online Estimation Methods on Feedback-Based Coordinated Ramp Metering Strategy. 11th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS2006.

B50. Yasar, I., K. Ozbay, P. Kachroo (2006). Evaluation of New Coordinated Feedback-Based Freeway RampMetering Strategy using Microscopic and Macroscopic Simulation Models. 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, AATT 2006, Chicago, Illinois USA/ August 13-16, 2006.

B51. K. Ozbay, I. Yasar, P. Kachroo (2006). Evaluation of Local and System-Wide Effects of Feedback-Based Ramp Metering Strategies Using Microscopic Simulation. Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, June 14-16, 2006.

B52. K. Ozbay, I. Yasar, P. Kachroo (2006). Development and Evaluation of On-Line Estimation Methods for Feedback Based Freeway Ramp Metering Strategy. Presented in 85th TRB Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 2006.

B53. N. N. Puri, S. Al-Takrouri, C. Chang, and I. Yasar (2004). Optimal Three-Mode Controller for the High Order Time Delay Systems. Intelligent Systems and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2004.

B54. K. Ozbay, I. Yasar, P. Kachroo (2004). Comprehensive Evaluation of Feedback Based Freeway RampMetering Strategy using Microscopic Simulation. Presented and Published in 83rd TRB Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 2004.

B55. K. Ozbay, I. Yasar, P. Kachroo (2003). Modeling and PARAMICS Based Evaluation of New Local Freeway Ramp Metering Strategy that Takes into Account Ramp Queues. 10th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems CTS2003, Seikei Univ., Tokyo, Japan, August 4-6, 2003.

B56. K. Ozbay, I. Yasar, P. Kachroo (2003). Modeling and Simulation Based Evaluation of New Local Freeway Ramp Metering Strategy That Takes into Account Ramp Queues. Euro/Informs Joint International Meeting, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey July 06-10, 2003.

Papers in National Conference Proceedings (in Turkish with English abstract):

E1. Çalışkan, B., I. Gökaşar (2024) Karayolu Projelerinin Çevresel Etkilerinin Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Tabanlı Mekansal Analizi, 4. Uluslararası Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri Zirvesi, Istanbul, Turkey.

E2. Hizarci, S., S. Tanyel, S. Dundar, I. Gokasar (2023) Işıksız Kavşaklarda Karma Trafik Akım Koşullarının Modellenmesi, 14. Ulastırma Kongresi, MSGSÜ Sedad Hakkı Eldem Oditoryumu/ Istanbul, 18-19-20 Ekim, TMMOB Chamber of Civil Engineers Istanbul Branch.

E3. Tanyel, S., I. Gokasar, S. Dündar, A. Topal, and B. Şengöz (2022) Işıksız Kavşaklarda Sürücüsüz Taşıtlarla
Ağır Taşıt Etkileşimlerinin İrdelenmesi, Türkiye İnşaat Mühendisliği 18. Teknik Kongre ve Sergisi İstanbul, 7-8-
9 Kasım 2022, İTÜ Süleyman Demirel Kültür Merkezi Ayazağa Yerleşkesi

E4. Gokasar, I. and K. Aytekin (2022) Kesintisiz Akımlarda Bağlantılı Otonom Trafikte Makine Öğrenimi ile Gecikme Tahmini, Türkiye İnşaat Mühendisliği 18. Teknik Kongre ve Sergisi İstanbul, 7-8-9 Kasım 2022, İTÜ Süleyman Demirel Kültür Merkezi Ayazağa Yerleşkesi

E5. Gokasar, I., S. S. Özkan, and A. Timuroğulları (2022) SNS Kaza-Olay Tespit Algoritmasının Bağlı Otonom Araç Trafiğindeki Performansının Değerlendirilmesi, Türkiye İnşaat Mühendisliği 18. Teknik Kongre ve Sergisi İstanbul, 7-8-9 Kasım 2022, İTÜ Süleyman Demirel Kültür Merkezi Ayazağa Yerleşkesi

E6. Gokasar, I. and M. Akıncılar (2022) İnsansız Teslimat Robotlarının İstanbul´da Pilot Bölge Uygulamalarının Değerlendirilmesi, Türkiye İnşaat Mühendisliği 18. Teknik Kongre ve Sergisi İstanbul, 7-8-9 Kasım 2022, İTÜ Süleyman Demirel Kültür Merkezi Ayazağa Yerleşkesi

E7. Dundar, S., Tanyel, S., Gokasar, I.  and Ulu, I.M. (2022) Effects of Autonomous Vehicles On Unınterrupted Flow Conditions – Case Of İzmir Bornova Viaduct, International Symposium Series on Graduate Researches 2022, Engineering Science Section (Online Symposium), DOKUZ EYLÜL UNIVERSITY, 17-18 November 2022

E8. Ulu, İ.M., S. Tanyel, S. Dündar, ve I. Gökaşar. Işıklı kavşaktan ayrılan taşıtların otoyol katılımlarının başarımı üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi, 13. Ulaştırma Kongresi TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, 10-12 Ekim 2019.

E9. Aydın, Ö.F. and I. Gökaşar. Dinamik yolculuk paylaşımı eşleştirme algoritmalarında kullanılan değişkenlerin algoritmaların performanslarına etkisinin incelenmesi, 13. Ulaştırma Kongresi TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, 10-12 Ekim 2019.

E10. Gökaşar, I. and A.A. Arısoy. Yaşlı yolcuların bedava toplu taşıma kullanımının yolculuk davranışlarına etkisinin incelenmesi, 13. Ulaştırma Kongresi TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, 10-12 Ekim 2019.

E11. Gökaşar, I., G. G. Başaran ve A.A. Arısoy. Otobüslerde Araç İçi Güvenlik Uygulamaları ile Cinsiyet Eşitliği Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi, 13. Ulaştırma Kongresi TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, 10-12 Ekim 2019.

E12. Gökaşar, I., O. Şahin and A.A. Arısoy. Ulaşım sistemlerinin yaşam alanı tercihine etkisinin incelenmesi, 13. Ulaştırma Kongresi TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, 10-12 Ekim 2019.

E13. Günay, G. and I. Gökaşar. Ana Arterlerde Katılım ve Ayrımların Trafik Hızlarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi: D100 Karayolu Örneği, 13. Ulaştırma Kongresi TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, 10-12 Ekim 2019.

E14. Gökaşar, I., E. Cicek, and Alperen Timuroğulları, İstanbul Metrobüs yolundaki kazaların sebeplerinin incelenmesi, Karayolu 4. Ulusal Kongresi ve Sergisi, Karayolu Genel Müdürlüğü Halil Rıfat Paşa Konferans Salonu, Ankara, 28-29 Kasım 2018.

E15. Gökaşar, I., and K. Aytekin, Evaluation of the delays due to road closures on arterials, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 8-10 November 2018.

E16. Bakioğlu, G. and I. Gökaşar, İstanbul İli için Toplu Taşıma Sistemlerinin İncelenmesi: Ulaşım Bağlantısı mı Şehir içi Trafik Çözümleri mi Hedeflenmeli? Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 8-10 November 2018.

E17. Dundar, S., I. Gokasar, H. G. Iz, and A. A. Arisoy, A comparison of personnel shuttle service of universities in terms of scale, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 8-10 November 2018.

E18. Gökaşar, I., S. Dundar, S. Tanyel, A. A. Arısoy, H. G. İz and İ. M. Ulu, Sürücüsüz araç örneklerinin incelenmesi ve karşılaştırılması, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 8-10 November 2018.

E19. Gökaşar, I. and Ö. Baştuğ, Ulaştırma altyapı projelerinde dijitalleşme ve yenilikler ile verimlilik arttırma,
Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 8-10 November 2018.

E20. Gokasar, I. and Ş. Başaran (2017). Kent içi ulaşımda yolculuk paylaşım uygulamalarının irdelenmesi, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 2-4 November 2017.

E21. Gokasar, I. and Y. Çetinel (2017). Otobüs konum verileri kullanılarak ulaşım ağındaki dar boğazların tespit edilmesi, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 2-4 November 2017.

E22. Gokasar, I. and G. Günay (2017). İstanbul ve Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı arasındaki ulaşım tür seçimleri,
Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 2-4 November 2017.

E23. Gokasar, I. A.A. Arısoy, K. Aytekin, O. Karaman, Y. Çetinel and M. Yapar (2017). Havalimanlarına taksi ile erişim: İstanbul örneği, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 2-4 November 2017.

E24. Gokasar, I. A.A. Arısoy, and O. Karaman (2017). Personel taşıtlarının toplu ulaşım türleri ile bütünleşmesi: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi örneği, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 2-4 November 2017.

E25. Gokasar, I., S. Dündar and B. Buran (2017). Yolcu ihtiyaçlarının incelenmesi, İETT Örneği, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 2-4 November 2017.

E26. Hüner, E. E., S. Dündar and I. Gokasar (2017).Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği raylı sistem politikalarının karşılaştırlması, Transist International Istanbul Transport Congress and Exhibition, Istanbul Congress Center, ICC, 2-4 November 2017.

E27. Gökaşar, I., M. Bayrak, and O. Kalan.Bisiklet Park Alanları Standartları ve Uygulama Alanları. 4. Uluslararası Ulaşım ve Park Alanları Yönetimi Sempozyumu, ISPARK A.Ş., Mayıs 2015.

E28. A. Nurkovic, M. Demirel, Gökaşar, I., S. Işık, and C. Ersoy.Toplu Taşıma Araçlarıyla Seyahat için Akıllı Yönlendirme. 17. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı AB 2015, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, 4-6 Şubat 2015.

E29. Gökaşar, I., M. Bayrak, and O. Kalan Üniversite Yerleşkelerinde Bisiklet Kullanımının Yaygınlaştırılması, 4. Ulaştırma Kongresi TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi, 27-29 Mayıs 2015.

E30. Gökaşar, I., and O. Kalan. Dünyada ve Türkiye´de AUS için Yapılan Yatırımlar. Karayolu 3. Ulaşım Kongresi, Ankara KGM Halil Rıfat Paşar Konferans Salonu, 25-27 Kasım 2014.

E31. Gökaşar, I., and D. Yavaş. Günlük olmayan Türel Seçim Modellerinde Sosyal Etkiler, 1. Karayolu Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemleri Kongre ve Sergisi, 26-28 Mayis, 2014.

E32. Gökaşar, I. and E. Emir. İstanbul´da Uygulanan Otobüs Öncelikli Yol Stratejilerine Genel Bakış, , TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası 10. Ulaştırma Kongresi: Bütünleşik Ulaştırma Sistemleri, Tepekule Kongre Merkezi, İzmir, 25-27 Eylül 2013,

E33. Gokasar, I. and Aydın, O.F., İstanbul´da Kullanılan Mevcut Sensör Teknolojileri, 4. Karayolu Trafik Güvenliği Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, Ankara, 8-10 Mayıs 2013,

E34. Yasar, I., Kaza-Olay Tespit Algoritmalarına Genel Bakış. 2-day International Symposium: İzmir Transport Symposium, DESEM Alsancak-Izmir, December 8-9, 2009.

Technical Reports

  1. Gökaşar, I., Tekirdağ İli Çerkezköy İlçesi Sirkülasyon Analizi, Düzenlemesi ve İyileştirme ÇalışmalarI, September 2020
  2. Gökaşar, I. LASİD Competition on Safe Traffic (Güvenli Trafik konulu Eser Yarışması), Editor, June 2020
  3. Gökaşar, I. Functional classification of Roadways in Istanbul, ISBAK A.Ş. (Principal Investigator), July 2018.
  4. Gökaşar, I., Editor for İETT (Public Bus Authority and Operator of İstanbul) Institutional Publications: (1) BRT Implementation and Operation, (2) Service Quality Management Model, (3) Intelligent Transportation Systems, (4) Sustainability: Energy and Environment Management Model, (5) Garage Operation, (6) Field Operation, (7) Bus Line Assignment, Optimization and Analysis, (8) Bus Fleet Management Model, December 2016.
  5. Gökaşar, I., Modeling and Analysis of Ramp Metering Implementation at Şirinevler, TÜSSİDE Research Project, November, 2016. 
  6. Gokasar, I.,and Emir, E., Changes in Traffic Safety Policies and Regulations in Turkey (1950-2010), International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS), Tokyo, Japan, October 2011 and January 2012.
  7. Gokasar, I., Rationale of Kocaeli Logistic Master Plan, March 2011.
  8. Ergun, G.,Gokasar, I., Traffic Impact of Istanbul Straits Road Tunnel Crossing (ISRTC) on the Historical Peninsula Interim Report: Assessment of the Present Situation, December 2010.
  9. Ergun, G.,Gokasar, I., Traffic Impact of Istanbul Straits Road Tunnel Crossing (ISRTC) on the Historical Peninsula Final Report, February 2011.
  10. Gokasar, I. and ISBAK Inc., Acıbadem-Akasya Traffic Impact Analysis, December 2010.
  11. Gokasar, I. and ISBAK Inc., Suryapı Tantavi A.K. Traffic Impact Analysis, November 2010.
  12. Yasar, I. and ISBAK Inc., Kazlıçeşme Transfer Center Project Traffic Impact Analysis, May 2010.
  13. Ergun, G., Yasar, I. and ISBAK Inc., Traffic Impact Analysis of Proposed Developments (Forum Istanbul, Ora Istanbul, Caprice, Kemerpark Evleri, Miyansera Evleri ) in Bayrampasa , March 2010.
  14. Ergun, G., Yasar, I., and ISBAK A.S. Trafik Etut ve Proje Grubu, , Traffic Impact Analysis of Proposed Zorlu Center in Besiktas, Zincirlikuyu, October 2007.
  15. Ergun, G., Yasar, I., and ISBAK A.S. Trafik Etut ve Proje Grubu, Traffic Impact Analysis of Proposed Five Star Hotel and Convention Center in Bomonti, July 2007.




Research Projects

  1. Transforming streets into accessible urban oases through consensus building with digital and analogue tools STREETFORUM, "Innovations for Managing Sustainable Urban Accessibility" Joint Call of the ERA-NET Cofund "Urban Accessibility and Connectivity", Coordinator (Turkey) 2023-
  2. Elektrikli Skuterlerların İstanbul Trafiğine ve Çevreye Olan Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi, En Uygun İşletme Ortamı, Koşulları ve Kurallarının Saptanması, TÜBİTAK 1001 (Araştırmacı), 2023-
  3. Determination of Autonomous Driving Architecture and Connected Vehicle Traffic Test Scenarios, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (Otonom Araçlar için Sürüş Mimarisi ve Bağlantılı Araç Trafik Test Senaryolarının Belirlenmesi Projesi, T.C. Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı), (Principal Investigator) 2022-
  4. Traffic Incident Management in Uninterrupted Flows Using Connected Autonomous Vehicles” by TÜBİTAK 1001 (Principal Investigator-Project Code: 120M574). 2021-2023
  5. Real Time Traffic Management in Uninterrupted Traffic Flow using Connected Vehicles (Principal Investigator)-BAP Çok Disiplinli. 2019-2021)
  6. Modeling and Evaluation of Work Zones (Principal Investigator)-BAP-2018-2019
  7. Sürücüsüz karayolu taşıtlarının karma trafiğe olası etkilerinin araştırılması ve kesintisiz akım koşulları altında trafik değişkenlerini en iyileyecek şekilde işletilmesinin sağlanması (Araştırmacı)-TÜBİTAK3501. 2018-2021
  8. Işıksız Kavşakların Başarımlarının İrdelenmesi ve Sürücüsüz Taşıtların Kavşak Başarımına Olası Etkilerinin Modellenmesi (Araştırmacı)-TÜBİTAK1001. 2018-2021
  9. Kısıtlı veriye sahip bir kent içi trafik ağının modellenmesi, ağ algılayıcılarının en iyi şekilde konumlandırılması, kısa dönem trafik tahmini ve trafik akım kontrolü (Araştırmacı)-TÜBİTAK1001. 2018-2020
  10. Traffic Network Analysis of Bus GPS Data (Principal Investigator)-BAP-2016-2017
  11. Toplu Ulaşım Odaklı Trafik Planlaması, TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE (Danışman), 2015-2017
  12. Bogazici University South Campus Transportation Master Plan, Bogazici University Research Fund, (Principal Investigator), April 2015-2017
  13. Road Closure Cost Estimation, IBB Ulaşım Daire Başkanlığı, (Proje Yürütücüsü), 2015-2018
  14. Ulaşım ve Taşımacılık Kazaları Afeti Sensör Araştırmaları Trend Analiz Raporu, Proje Adı: Türkiye Afet Risk Yönetim Sistemi Projesi (TAF-RISK), TUBİTAK BİLGEM-AFAD (Proje Yürütücüsü), (2014-2015)
  15. Destek Programın Adı: Kar Amacı Gütmeyen Kuruluşlara Yönelik Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Odaklı Ekonomik Kalkınma (ISTKA), Basvuru Kodu: Gecici_TR10/12/BTK/0053, Proje Adı: Üniversiteler Için Trafik Kontrol Merkezi, Basvuru Sahibi: Ulaşım Daire Başkanlığı, (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Proje yürütücüsü), (2013-2014)
  16. İstanbul´un Seçilmiş Bölgeleri için Uyarlanır Akıllı Yol Katılım Kontrol Algoritmalarının Geliştirilmesi, Projem İstanbul Araştırma Projesi, (Araştırmacı), (2012-2014)
  17. Istanbul´da Uygulanan Otobüs Öncelikli Yol Statejilerinin Modellemesi ve Performanslarının Değerlendirilmesi, Bogazici University Research Fund (Proje Yürütücüsü), (2013-2015)- 13A04P3
  18. Macroscopic and Microscopic (PARAMICS) Modeling and Evaluation of Incident Detection Algorithms for Istanbul Freeways (2009-2012) , Bogazici University Research Fund (Principal Investigator), (ProjectCode:09A401P)        
  19. New Jersey´s link to the 21st century: maximizing the impact of infrastructure investment, FHWA-NJ-2003-001 (research assistant).
  20. Development of simulation of  an ITS priority corridor, FHWA-NJ-2003-018 (research assistant)
  21. Evaluation of adaptive control strategies for NJ Highways, FHWA-NJ-2006-001 (research assistant).



  • TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası

  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

  • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

  • Transportation Research Board (TRB)



Courses Taught During the Last Five Years

Course Code

Course Title

Hours per Week

CE 579

Graduate Seminar

1hr. Lecture

CE 562

Advanced Traffic Engineering

3 hrs. Lecture

CE 565

Intelligent Transportation Systems (designed by I.Gokasar)

3 hrs. Lecture

CE 564

Advanced Traffic Flow Theory and Control (designed by I.Gokasar)

3 hrs. Lecture

CE 202

Intro. to Prob. and Statistics for Civil Eng.

3 hrs. Lecture

CE 402

Civil Engineering Systems Analysis

3 hrs. Lecture

CE 461

Transportation Systems Engineering

4 hrs. Lecture

CE 463

Intro. to Intelligent Transportation Systems (designed by I.Gokasar)

3 hrs. Lecture

CE 49L

Traffic and Safety Engineering

3 hrs. Lecture

CE 49P

Traffic Simulation Modelling and Applications (designed by I.Gokasar)

3 hrs. Lecture

CEM 562

Advanced Traffic Engineering

3 hrs. Lecture

CEM 590 Public Transportation  (designed by I. Gökaşar) 3 hrs. Lecture
CEM 504 Statistics for Engineers and Managers 3 hrs. Lecture


 Graduate Theses Supervised

Ph.D. Theses

1. Traffic Analysis Using GPS Trajectory Records of Courier Motorcycles, Yiğit Çetinel, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2024.
2. Evaluation of Administrative Division-Level Road Safety Indices, Morteza Ahmadpur, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2023.
3. A New Public Transportation Pricing Strategy: The Evaluation of The Rent-Based Fare, Ahmet Karakurt, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2021.
4. Integration of Public Transportation Using Autonomous Vehicles, Akif Fidanoglu, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2021.
5. Investigation of the effects of transportation investments on real estate prices: Case study of
Beylikduzu & Esenyurt, Onur Şahin, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2019.
6. A Biosequence based dynamic ride-matching algorithm that takes into account social factors, Ömer Faruk Aydın, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2019
7. The relationship between economic growth and road infrastructure: Evidence from Turkey, Onur Kalan, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2017.
8. Freight Trip Generation in Urban Areas, Gürkan Günay, Ph.D. Dissertation, 2015.

M.S. Theses

1. Comparison and Evaluation of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) Scenarios in Terms of Traffic Safety and Efficiency, Ertan Yalçın, M.S. Thesis, 2024.
2. Development and Evaluation of C-ITS Traffic Incident Management Implementations Using Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Sarp Semih Özkan, M.S. Thesis, 2024.
3. AHP-based risk identification risk assessment and risk allocation approach for the micromobility sector, Emir Yemlihalıoğlu, M.S. Thesis 2023.
4. Evaluation of the Environmental Effects of Connected Autonomous Vehicles in Traffic Incident Scenarios on Uninterrupted Facilities, Rahmi Şahin, M.S. Thesis, 2022.
5. Development of a lightweight and easy-to-use smartphone application for traffic data collection: EZDatCol, Berke Kaan Ülgen, M.S. Thesis, 2021.
6. AHP based evaluation approach for decision-making criteria of electric bus implementations, Mahmut Gazi Tülü, M.S. Thesis, 2021.
7. Delay Prediction using machine learning algorithms for connected autonomous traffic flow in uninterrupted facilities, Kaan Aytekin, M.S. Thesis, 2021.
8. Prediction based real time traffic management using connected autonomous vehicles, Alperen Timurogullari, M.S. Thesis, 2021.
9. Insights into the Effects of COVID-19 on Taxi Use near M2 Metro Line in Istanbul, Ece Özcan, M.S. Thesis, 2020.
10. Maintenance Prioritization using Multi-Attribute Utility Theory, Işık Okur, M.S. Thesis, 2020.
11. Investigation of Traffic Flow Characteristics: Case Study of D 100 Highway, Muhammed Ali Çevik, M.S. Thesis, 2019.
12. A new submarket approach using distances to transit lines for the prediction of real estate prices, Muhittin Tan, M.S. Thesis, 2019.
13. Macroscopic modeling of the motorway traffic in Sweden: A calibration study, Anahita Zahertar, M.S. Thesis, 2019.
14. Integration of personnel services with public transportation: A case study of Bogazici University, Ozan Karaman, M.S. Thesis, 2019.
15. Real time traffic management using connected vehicles: A case study on D100 highway, Ali Atilla Arısoy, M.S. Thesis, 2019.
16. Autonomous vehicles: Evaluation of traffic management strategies in the case of an incident, Mert Erda, M.S. Thesis, 2018.
17. Analysis of traffic network near bus stops using bus GPS data, Yiğit Çetinel, M.S. Thesis, 2017.
18. Understanding and modelling traveler tendency to rideshare: A case study of Boğaziçi University, Şive Başaran, M.S. Thesis, 2017.
19. Understanding the effects of senior citizen free transit program on the travel behavior of the elderly in Kadıkoy, İstanbul, Ahmet Karakurt, M.S. Thesis, 2017.
20. Transportation Planning and Management in Universities: A case study of Bogazici University, Murat Bayrak, M.S. Thesis, 2016.
21. Effect of Traffic Application on Travel Behavior, Gözde Bakioğlu, M.S. Thesis, 2016.
22. Ground Access Mode Choice Models for Airports in Istanbul, Onur İlgen, M.S. Thesis, 2016.
23. Evaluation of Heuristic Algorithms for Traffic Signal Optimization Along a Corridor, Morteza Ahmadpur, M.S. Thesis, 2016
24. Origin Destination Inference of Bus Passengers: Istanbul Case Study, Akif Fidanoğlu, M.S. Thesis, 2015.
25. Analysis of Passengers´Travel Behaviors and Attitudes Towards the BRT Line in Istanbul, Onur
Şahin, M.S. Thesis, 2015.
26. Evaluation of Work Zone Management Strategies: The FSM Bridge Case Study, Ömer Faruk Aydın, 2013.
27. Social influences on trip mode-choices in non-daily trips, Dünya Yavaş, 2013.
28. Modeling and Evaluation of Incident Detection Strategies by Pelin Boyacıoğlu, 2011.

  • ITS-Turkey, Special Award for the project: Real Time Traffic Management in Uninterrupted Traffic Flow using Connected Vehicles (Principal Investigator)-BAP Multi-disciplinary project, 2021

  • The master's thesis titled ‘’Real Time Traffic Management with Interconnected Smart Vehicles: D100 Highway Study’’ of Ali Atilla Arısoy and thesis advisor Assoc. Prof. Ilgın Gökaşar was awarded the best master’s thesis award by Turkish Road Association (YTMK). This thesis also received Bogazici University Selçuk Halaç Award in 2020. The thesis was completed within the scope of the scientific research project "Real Time Traffic Management in Uninterrupted Traffic Flow Using Connected Vehicles" (BAP Pr. No: 15387 Pr. Code: 19A04R2)

  • International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference 3rd Best Paper Award 2019
  • Outstanding Achievement in Teaching Award 2018

  • Bogazici University Academic Incentive Award, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016, 2018

  • Graduate Assistantship, Rutgers University, 2001-2006

Miscellaneous Work: 


Editorial Membership

1. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (SCIE-CiteScore 5.9 Impact Factor 5.353)


Special Issue Editor

Autonomous Vehicles in Smart and Sustainable City Implementations using Intelligent Decision Support Systems

2. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, Editorial Board Member


3. Operations Research and Engineering Letters, Editorial Board Member


4. Journal of Intelligent Transportation System and Applications (JITSA) Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University Editorial Board Member-October 2018