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Yangın Mühendisliği Araştırma Grubu

İnşaat Mühendisliği / Boğaziçi Üniversitesi


Structural Performance under Multi-Hazards

multi-hazard, earthquake, fire, urban environment, elevated temperatures


The overall research goal is to predict structural performance under extreme loading conditions caused by man-made or natural hazards and design more robust structures with cost-effective and performance-based methods. Extreme conditions could include earthquake, fire, wind and blast/explosion and these hazards could happen simultaneously or consecutively. For this research, it is crucial to look at the big picture and consider the performance of common structures with a valid set of tools to measure the risk assessment to the society. In the end, simplified tools will be developed to be used by structural engineers to categorize the structures with respect to their disaster resilience against multi-hazards.

Related Publications

Selamet S, Topcu K. The effect of semi-rigid steel connections to seismic behavior of high-rise buildings. 8th National Eartquake Engineering Conference, May 2015 Istanbul, Turkey.