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Yangın Mühendisliği Araştırma Grubu

İnşaat Mühendisliği / Boğaziçi Üniversitesi


FEHEAT Finite Element Code

transient heat transfer, finite element, steel beams, concrete beams, convective fire boundary, radiative fire boundary, fire, elevated temperatures


The overall research goal is to create an effective finite element code called “FEHEAT” to simulate the two dimensional nonlinear transient heat transfer in solids with conduction, convective and radiative boundary conditions. The development of the finite element code will be in MATLAB, a widely available commercial numerical software, which is used in the structural fire research. The program solves a common parabolic partial differential equation in two dimensions: A transient heat conduction with convective and nonlinear radiative surface conditions. The solution of this problem is an interest in heat transfer, and it is applicable to structural fire engineering. The governing equation is nonlinear due to the radiative heat transfer on the boundaries. The program is designed to be used for the thermal analysis of structures, especially the cross sections of the wide flange beams. In structural fire research field, the thermal analysis of beams or columns is usually conducted in two dimensions (plane of the cross section) and the fiber temperatures in the cross section are transported to the structural analysis, which considers the mechanical action of the structures due to the elevated temperatures and the thermal elongation. This programs takes account background information on the convective and radiative interaction between the fire gas temperatures and the beam (steel) surface. The objective is to create a manual in order to explain the general layout of the finite element algorithm. In addition, in this manual, the limitations and capabilities of the finite element code will be summarized and several benchmark examples will be provided.

Related Publications

Selamet S, Uzun M(2015). A novel and efficient finite element software for heat transfer: FEHEAT. 1st International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire and Blast (CONFAB), Glasgow, Scotland. [Download]