Prestigious Research Projects provided by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK).
2015 - 2016
The objective of this proposed R&D project is to establish a robust design for high-rise steel buildings with composite floor systems against fire hazard. The structural fire safety has been a fast-evolving research field, which is a combination of fire science and structural engineering. It gained utmost importance after the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers in the United States in 2001. Fire is a dangerous hazard in urban areas especially with tall steel buildings because it is a much harder process to extinguish fire in a tall structure and evacuate the inhabitants in a timely manner. There is only limited research on the structural fire safety in Turkey. With the uprise of tall steel building construction in Istanbul this research field becomes worthwhile to investigate. The project is a continuation of the ongoing Marie Curie IIF (International Incoming Fellowship), which the Project Coordinator Assistant Professor Serdar Selamet has received in 2012. The originality of this study is to conduct the first and only research based horizontal structural floor fire test in Turkey. The results of this research will be an important asset for the current building codes for structural fire safety and they will fill in the knowledge gaps and give valuable insight to the future theoretical, computational and experimental research on fire safety. In this study, the composite floor system will be manufactured and tested under fire conditions. It will be placed on top of the fire furnace and subjected to ISO-834 fire curve from bottom for about 105 minutes. Then, it will be cooled with air-control for 90 minutes. The project duration is one year.