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Fire Engineering Research Group

Department of Civil Engineering / Boğaziçi University


CE 502

Introduction to Finite Elements
Credits: (2+0+2) 3 ETCT 6
Office: M3310

Matrix methods of structural analysis in structures in 2D. Stiffness properties of trusses, beams and plane frames. Principle of minimum potential energy, theory of finite elements, finite element formulation of trusses and beams and 2D elasticity (plane stressand plane strain). A project where the matrix methods and finite element formulation is implemented in MATLAB code environment.

Serdar Selamet, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Bogazici University
School of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

Bebek Istanbul, TURKEY
phone: +90-212-3596430

Alma Mater
B.S. Duke University, NC USA
M.A. Princeton University, NJ USA
Ph.D. Princeton University, NJ USA


Curriculum Vitae