Earthquake Generated Water Waves





Water waves generated by seismic motions of the seafloor

Abstract submitted to the Waves 2001 Conference

September 2001, San Francisco, CA, USA.






Sismik deniz tabanı hareketlerinin kıyılarda oluşturduğu dalgalar (in Turkish)

Abstract submitted to the 3rd National Coastal Engineering Symposium

October 2000, Çanakkale, Turkey.






Tsunami Links

  1. Tsunami Research at CHL
  2. Izmit Bay Tsunami Survey
  3. USGS Report on 17 August 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake
  4. Tsunamis in the Marmara Sea
  5. Workshop on the Prediction of Underwater Landslide and Slump Occurrence and Tsunami Hazards off of Southern California
  6. Damage to Port and Harbour Structures during the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake


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Last modified November 16th, 2001
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