CE 505 Applied Stochastic
Analysis and Modeling – SELECTED TERM PROJECTS
Course Instructor: Emre Otay
2000 and before
- Overtime
Policy Indoor Manufacturing Using Non-Parametric Monte-Carlo Simulation
(Npmcs) (Fall’00)
- Stochastic
Analysis of Measured Wind Speed And Directıon: Black Sea (Fall’00)
- Current
effect on tankers in narrow channels (Fall’99)
- Probability
density function for folding times of proteins (Fall’99)
- State
space modelling and prediction of ocean measurements (Fall’98)
- Sound
- Prediction
of the IMKB-100 index (Fall’98)
- Effect
of variable boundary conditions on the circulation patterns in a narrow
channel using Monte Carlo simulation (Fall’98)
- An
introductory model for forest fire propagation (Fall’98)
- In
situ / nondestructive testing of concrete with ultrasonic pulse velocity
& rebound number using regression analysis (Fall’98)
- Labelling
operation on a grey scale image by optimal thresholding (Spring’98)
- Determining
wave directional spectrum using PUV-gages (Spring’98)
- Vibrational
damping in electrical motors (Spring’98)
- Closed
form probability density function of waves in shallow water (Spring’98)
- Determination
of centerline using medial axis transform (Spring’98)
- Extreme
value analysis of astreoids (Spring’98)
- Envelope
of a random wave using Hilbert transform (Spring’97)
- Comparison
of acceleration response spectra for various earthquakes (Spring’97)
- Response
of a structure to earthquake excitations (Spring’97)
- Effect
of grain size distribution on the porosity of an idealized sand (Spring’97)
- Triangulation
algorithm for GPS-signals (Spring’97)
- Least
square analysis for equilibrium beach profiles (Spring’97)
- Failure
propability of a pile using joint probability distribution of wave height
and wave period
Last modified Feb 21st,