CE 414-Special Topics: Introduction to Coastal Engineering
Fall Term, 2004

2004 Catalog Data:

CE 414-Special Topics: Introduction to Coastal Engineering. Credit 3.


Shore Protection Manual, v.1,2 ,US Army Corps of Engineers, 1984
Lecture Notes.


Emre Otay, Assistant Professor.


The course is designed to give an introduction to the profession and to provide students with a basic understanding of the wavw environment, wave forces and coastal structures.

Prerequisites by topic:
Fluid Mechanics in general and Potential Flows in particular

Topics: (Based on 13 weeks of instruction: 3 hours a week x 13 weeks + 2 midterms of 2 hrs. each + 1 final exam)

  1. The coastal zone and its study (1.5 classes).
  2. Classification of wawes (0.5 classes).
  3. A review of potential flow fundamentals ( 1 classes).
  4. Linear wave theory (3 classes).
  5. Wave properties (3 classes).
  6. Superposition of waves and standing waves (2 classes).
  7. Partial standing waves (1 classes).
  8. Energy and energy propagation in waves (2 classes).
  9. Shoaling of waves (1.5 classes).
  10. Refraction of waves (1.5 classes).
  11. Diffraction of waves (1.5 classes).
  12. Wave breaking in deep and shallow water (1.5 classes).
  13. Winds over the sea and wave generation (1 classes).
  14. Wave prediction (1 classes).
  15. Wave forces on pile structures (1 classes).
  16. Wave forces on wall type structures (3 classes).
  17. Rubble mound structures and breakwaters (2 classes).
  18. Introduction to one of the topics below to be selected by the students (4 classes).
    a.Coastal sediment transport,
    c.Nonlinear waves.

Computer usage:
Students are asked to develop computer programs to carry out the analysis of an ocean wave record.

Engineering Science: 3 credit
Engineering Design:
0 credit

Prepared by : Emre Otay                         Date: October, 2004.