CE 312-Hydraulics I
Spring Term, 1997

1996 Catalog Data: CE 312: Hydraulics I. Credit 4. A quantitative introduction to the principles of hydrology, hydraulics and water resources planning for design and analysis of systems concerned with the use and control of water, storage, water transmission; design of open channels and pressure conduits. Ground water engineering, economical analysis of water resources projects. Prerequisites: CE311 or approved equivalent. 
Textbook: Hwang, N.C.H. and Hita, C.E.; Hydraulic Engineering Systems, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, 1987. 
References: Chow, V.T., Open Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, 1959. 
Henderson, F.M., Open Channel Flow, MacMillan, 1966. 
Coordinators: Osman Borekci, Associate Professor. 
Cem Avci, Associate Professor. 
Goal: This course is designed to provide Civil Engineering students with the preliminaries of pipe flow systems, open channel flows and pumps.

Prerequisites by topic:

Basic laws of fluid mechanics, fluid forces, integral and differential analysis of fluid flows


  1. Boundary layers, drag (6 classes)
  2. Fundamentals of turbulent flows and turbulent flows in pipes (8 classes)
  3. Analysis of pipe flow systems (4 classes)
  4. Pipe networks (2 classes)
  5. Water hammer theory (4 classes)
  6. Pumps and pump selection (2 classes)
  7. Hydraulics of open channel flows (4 classes)
  8. Uniform flow in open channels (6 classes)
  9. Gradually varied flow (8 classes)
  10. Tests (6 classes)

Computer Usage:

Homework assignments encouraging computer usage for iterative solution of pipe flow network systems and flow profile calculations in open channel flows.

Engineering Science: 4 credits
Engineering Design: 0 credit

Prepared by: Osman Borekci        Date: July, 1997