CE 311-Fluid Mechanics
Fall Term, 2000

1999 Catalog Data:

CE 311: Fluid Mechanics. Credit 4. Fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and their application to engineering problems. Fluid statics. Kinematics of fluid flow: continuity equation, stream function, and irrotational flow velocity potential. Fluid dynamics: flow of viscous fluids. Newtonian fluids, simple laminar flow systems, turbulence, flow in pipes. Selected topics from compressible flow, open channel flow, boundary layer theory. Prerequisite: CE 241.


Munson, B.R., Young, D.F., and Okiishi, T.H., Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 3rd Ed., Wiley, 1999.


Streeter, V.L. and Wylie, E.B., Fluid Mechanics, 8th SI Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1985.

Daily, J.W. and Harleman, D.R.F., Fluid Dynamics, Addison Wesley, 1966. 


Emre Otay, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering.

Osman Börekçi, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering.


This course is designed to give juniors in civil engineering an understanding of fluid statics and fluid dynamics through the application of fundamental laws of Newtonian mechanics, principles of dimensional analysis and modeling.

  Prerequisites by topic:

  1. Engineering statics
  2. Differential calculus
  3. Elementary understanding of partial differential equations


  1. Fluid Statics (8 classes)
  2. Stability of Floating and Submerged Bodies (4 classes)
  3. Control Volume and System Approaches (2 classes)
  4. Basic Laws of Fluid Mechanics (8 classes)
  5. Differential Analysis of Fluid Flows, Navier-Stokes Equations (4 classes)
  6. Dimensional Analysis (2 classes)
  7. Dynamic Similitude and Modeling (4 classes)
  8. Ideal Fluid Flow (6 classes)
  9. Incompressible Viscous Flows, Boundary Layers (4 classes)
  10. Energy Losses (4 classes)
  11. Tests (6 classes)

Engineering Science: 4 credits
Engineering Design: 0 credit

Prepared by: Emre Otay                Date: August, 2000