Construction Materials and Terzaghi's Soil Mechanics (Geotechnical Engineering) Laboratories have been relocated from the North Campus to the Kandilli Campus
The Construction Materials Laboratory and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratories has been relocated from the North Campus to the Kandilli Campus.
The Construction Matareials laboratory is equipped with various pieces of equipment and test systems required to design- produce and characterize different building materials at different levels from fresh to hardened state performance with a focus on increased durability and sustainability.
For Materials Lab, please visit:
On-going Studies
- Industrial production of form-flexible textile reinforced concrete components (CORNET Project)
- Seawater mixed concrete with a microstructure specifically designed for structural use
- Durability of seawater mixed concrete
- AI-based optimization of lightweight wall panels for increased sustainability
- Fiber dispersion monitoring using non-destructive systems